View Full Version : What Ya Think

05-25-2004, 10:34 PM
Providing that I get to RR5 before NF here is what I was thinking of for RA abilities.
Post your comments and or suggestions please.

05-25-2004, 10:37 PM
No Determination at all?

05-25-2004, 10:40 PM
Originally posted by OUTLAWS SHOGUN@May 25 2004, 06:37 PM
No Determination at all?
The lvl 35 will give me 25% Deter. The cost of the RA is obscene and probally not worth it .
Providing I spend 12 points to get to det 3 I only get an additional 10% reduction. Don't think its worth it.

05-25-2004, 11:05 PM
Looks good Who, I agree with your position on Det .

05-26-2004, 04:18 AM
-to the avoidance of magic : good idea :)
-to the moblocking : depends on your shield spec. there is a hard total cap ya can actually block. if you can increase your shield skill and pts to shield, you can avoid the necessity using this (assuming that you use a buffbot for dex buffs)
-ignorepain: who couldn't want a 1-up, this isnt super mario brothers, extra lives pwn.
-purge: be nice to have the 30 cost one, but at rr5 ya only can afford so much...
-dashing defense: dude, come on. 10s? let's see how long ten second is..................(10) there goes those realm pts right there.
-snapshot- Wow yet another amazing class-based skill to help armsmen waste more endurance and do nothing particularly damaging.
-tireless1: 1pt end per second. 100 in a standard end pool(non toa +fatigue). that'll be 100seconds till it refills. sure that'll help when you're soloing pve, resting when ya dont have a pally. but there's nothing that will really help you. 1minute 40 seconds. dude by the time you get 14 end for a high damage attack, you'll have been hit like 5 times. sure that'll be useful... not. wasted pt imo
-stoicism: can't beat it. free det.

Assuming you plan on being a group-friendly tank in RvR, I would truely suggest that you spec in such a way to take the most damage. Staying alive will let you pick off their support/cloth classes or bg our support/cloth effectively. At such a low (no offense, rr5 is lvl51 imo, but it's only 40pts now) I would want to suggest not so many 'cool' abilities like ss or dd as you have listed above. They're cool, but using so many of your very valuable points for effective passives/activates that help keep you alive or unCC'able. I find those class skills to be more of toys for higher RR toons. More life = living longer > more cc reduction = active in combat sooner > more damage = putting your toon to some pwnage! > 'interesting' class skills = toys that you may get a kick out of, but eats up too many spec pts.

Liked some of the choices, disliked some others. My opinion, as I am entitled to. Hope in any way sharing my rants and raves gives you a different look at your spec choices. GL specing man!

05-26-2004, 06:54 AM
i'm going for avoidance of magic 5. 28% more resists rockz!
then i get purge 1
rest i spend into str :P i will be able to go over 400 str full buffed and with some relics in new frontiers. makes a WP over 2000ish :))

i agree yetti except in tireless 1. its free and it regenerates quiet fast. i tested it yesterday evening quick on pendragon. i also like the snapshot ability ;-) will be alot of fun to shoot on a caster while running :)


05-28-2004, 09:53 PM
I chose dashing defense because most of the fight i am in last roughly 10 to secs. Now if I pop that ability qwuick enough and it actually works as intended my group will love me.
Currently I am speced 50 in shield and depending on which shield I use in RVR I am at most 50+12
I have no idea what thw hard cap is.

I am in no way shape of form speced to be a attack and kill styleTank.
I truely enjoy being a defense type tank and I know whomever I have BG on will live for the most part.

05-28-2004, 10:32 PM
Hard cap on + skill is + 11 from items (your lvl divided by 4 + 1) plus 1 from each RR starting at RR2 makes +20 to skills at RR10

05-29-2004, 05:44 PM
too many activates spoil a good rvr tank. most of the activates, save ip, have very little all-around versatility. i believe that tanks are not the primary damage dealers in all instances, and should therefor spec to survive combat longer so as to be used in their origional intent, and screw with enemy casters and support lines. ss will eat so much end you'll be SoL for real damage stylin. toughness, avoidace, ip, det, purge... long lasting, low crowd controlability.... pow, good tank;)