View Full Version : Stormlord abilities

Black Rose
05-28-2004, 08:09 AM
Last night I was able to get my ML5 Stormlord ability and dropped it at amf.
My group headed out towards mmf and during the way there I lost speed completely :wacko:
(group was running on mins speed).
The worst part for me was the fact that even my own speed I casted to catch up the group didnīt work. :bandhead:
And yes I stucked to the mins, I wasnīt lazy :P

Now I have read at VN boards that this ability (mental siphon - power draining storm)
drops my speed buff when an enemy walks into it and it doesnīt matter if I am in range or not. :wacko:

I just ask myself for what do I need that ability? :unsure: :WTF:

What stormloard ability is really worth to use? :unsure:

Thanks for your help :wave:

05-28-2004, 10:16 AM
All Stormlord abilities (except the ML10 one) are more or less only usefull in keep defences/takes since most/all of em drop you out of speed as soon as an enemy walks into it!

Most Stormlord abilities are pretty much useless in open field battles since :
1. it takes too long to cast em if enemies are allready inc
2. They drop ya out of speed if casted and you move and an enemy walks in

Will be much better with NF when ya can port to an keep that is under siege and u can just place your storms in front of doors/walls