View Full Version : question to download of 'player mods'

Turbo Charger
06-01-2004, 09:49 AM
:shifty: ....... Hey villains.

okay, I have a problem, and I somehow hoped some of you guys were better at handling pc's then I am. Last time i visited you're private website www.villainclan.co.uk I saw youre big list with 'player mods' where you can download 'bill clinton' 'badass sam' 'sleepy sam'. I assumed it was the same as 'skins'. Now my problem is that I can't find the map to place the skins in. I've been looking like crazy, but it's not there :blink:

like you place newly downloaded maps in corteam/ serioussam07/ levels_MP/ deathmatch. but where to place the skins?

Turbo Charger
06-01-2004, 10:02 AM
okay! thanks alot huggy :thumbs: