View Full Version : I bought DAoC today

OUTLAWS 9.99repeating^32
06-03-2004, 12:35 AM
Because I won't be playing FPS games for several months(due to temporary 56k), I have decided to buy Dark Age of Camelot. I have the original game and the Shrouded Isle Expansion pack. As I type, I am downloading the 60 or so megabyte update, so I will not be able to actually play tonight.

As far as my first character goes, here is what I was thinking:

Name: Enin

Race: Saracen

Main Class: Minstrel

Starting Stats: 15 points into Charisma

5 into Dexterity

5 into Strength

Basically I'm trying to create a character who is fast and can cast a very powerful song. I'm not going to spend any Specialization Points until I get a better feel for the game. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Finally, I just want to say thanks to Machine for welcoming into the world of Camelot and giving me some great links to look at. I look forward to meeting you all in the game!

Death Engineer
06-03-2004, 01:51 AM
Suggestion: Don't put more than 10 points into any one category. Each point over 10 costs you 2 points.

06-03-2004, 02:17 AM
If you want to join OoD be sure to play on the Igraine server in the Albion realm.

OUTLAWS The Machine
06-03-2004, 03:23 AM

06-03-2004, 03:41 AM

I'd personally go 10 Charisma, 10 Dex, 5 Str but it's all on how you want to create your toon. BTW Minstrel speed song rocks, melee toon with DD spells, insta's, decent mez and ability to charm.....cool toon.

Let me know when your on and I'll hook you up with some cash.

Edit: was missing 5 pts.......10 str

06-03-2004, 03:57 AM
go igraine so you will have a home

06-03-2004, 04:33 AM
Name: PowerfulCookieCutterSpec
Realm: Albion
Server: Igraine
Class: Minstrel
Race: Highlander
Stats: 10 Con, 10 Cha, 10 Str
Guild: OoD
Spec: 50Instrument/29Slash/31Stealth
ML: Sojourner

Reasoning: High Instrument spec yields high level pets for end game, nice to toss high level pets on players or mobs... good meat shields. 29 slash yields Amethyst slash, a good source of secondary damage, not important to go much higher due to high spec in instruments allowing you to rely on instant-cast direct damage spells. The 31 stealth allows you to scale keep walls, as well as hunt down some pesky sneaky sneaks. Overall a high group versatility with mezzes, stuns, dd's, pets, songs, shouts, styles, very entertaining master level abilities.

Note: Minstrels 'auto-train' in Instruments. Auto training is done by not using spec points into this ability, at level 8, 12, 16... 48, you recieve 1 pt into the specialization that you have not trained in that you are able to recieve AT pts in. It occurs every 4 levels, and tends to be in base-skills. Autotraining produces a better end-game result for a character, but severly limits their enjoyment and effectiveness during the autotraining of said character. It is an option, is a slight advantage to those who have not, and is normally not recommended to players during the creation of their first character. Not training in instruments until level 48 will yield (2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10+11+12) 77 additional specialization pts. I bring this up as an option if you're a crazy masochist. It's tough to do, and only slightly cool.

**The minstrel is a truely versatile class, enjoyable in pve and rvr. Great in groups, and an entertaining soloer. There are few wrong ways to spec, this idea may not be to absolutely everyone's liking, but I feel it's the best all-around enjoyable way to go.

Hope to see ya pick Igraine, we could sure use some help in our frontier! :wave:

06-03-2004, 05:24 AM
Coolio 9s :wootrock:

Black Rose
06-03-2004, 06:17 AM
Thatīs good to hear 9.9 :w00t:

Welcome to DAOC :wave:

OUTLAWS 9.99repeating^32
06-03-2004, 01:05 PM
Wow, thanks for the nice welcome guys.

This morning before work, after finishing downloading the update, I joined the Ingraine server in the Albion realm. I created a character and followed Yetti's advice to a T(although I'm still unsure when I should put points into specialization, I think I'm supposed to do that at level 5). I'm in the Rogue school in the Black Mountains, hoping to become a Minstrel. I typed in /who all and noticed some Outlaws of Darkness playing. The sheer number of buttons and options was overwhelming to me, despite having read all three manuals once(it looks like I'm going to be reading them twice).

After talking to my trainer, he gave me a quest, and I was off and adventuring. I came across some thieves named "Purse Cutter"(or something similar), and they dealt me a swift death. Upon hitting release, I decided to not adventure so far out onto the hills and decided to stay closer to the town. I came across some snakes and the largest ants I have ever seen, and was able to slay two snakes. I couldn't figure out how to pick up the items they dropped(although now I realize that the key is "G"), which was somewhat disappointing. I came to a "Weak Skeleton", who was yellow so I thought that I would approach him.

Unfortunately, the skeleton got the best of me. I didn't run away when I was at low health, although I realize now that I should have(forgot all about the sprint ability). I respawned next to my trainer and saw that two of the "bubbles" were filled up, which was satisfying. After that, it was time for me to get ready for work, so I logged off.

In all, this was a very exciting first day. I do have some questions, although I know that I can find out most of them by myself. But I figure I'll throw some out there anyway.

1) How does one retrieve dropped items from monsters? Is it the "G" key(by default)?

2) Is there any way to zoom out somewhat in the third person view? I think it is awkward at the current zoom level.

3) Is there any way to use a simple left click to attack enemies? Instead of hitting the "Attack" button and moving in a certain distance. I know that there is a "Mouse Configuration" screen, I'm not sure if that would do it though.

Like I said, basically right now I'm just trying to get used to all of the buttons and options available to my character. I'm sure that everyone goes through the same thing though. I'd like to send a big thanks to Yetti for giving me that nice build. If anyone else has any other advice I'd greatly appreciate it. By the way, if you forget what my character name is, just remember what the word "Nine" is backwards.

OUTLAWS The Machine
06-03-2004, 01:10 PM
Need to get you into the guild and get you some better armor and weapons. the crap you start out with sux. You might find some useful items in the guild house vault in housing.

OUTLAWS The Machine
06-03-2004, 01:17 PM
And you need to learn how to use your quickbar. You drag your attack styles and spells to your quickbar and then you use your number keys to perform that action. For example, when you train in slash you get different attack styles the first one you would get if you trained in slash is the Ruby Slash. So to attack you would target an enemy, click your stick button to stick to him (essential when you start grouping becuase it is very hard to follow an enemy when it is moving around attacking different members of your group), then click your ruby slash icon before each attack. Using styles uses your endurance. Once your endurance runs out you can no longer style or be able to sprint.

06-03-2004, 01:30 PM
Originally posted by 9.99repeating^32@Jun 3 2004, 02:05 PM
1) How does one retrieve dropped items from monsters? Is it the "G" key(by default)?

2) Is there any way to zoom out somewhat in the third person view? I think it is awkward at the current zoom level.

3) Is there any way to use a simple left click to attack enemies? Instead of hitting the "Attack" button and moving in a certain distance. I know that there is a "Mouse Configuration" screen, I'm not sure if that would do it though.

1. target the loot and hit G or just hit H and then G

2. if you haven't changed your keys it should be S (looking to sky) X (looking at ground) if ya hit tilde u can move in and out with those keys and pan right left with A and D

3. and if you are a melee fighter there are some spells that drag the mob to you but u still have to press the attack button or just put the styles you get on your qbar and hit the quickbar number for it

Hope that helps

06-03-2004, 03:15 PM
You can also just double click the loot bags to pick them up.

After you retrieve more and more spells you wont be using that Attack button. You will use your quickbar for all your styles, spells, songs etc. etc. When you ding lvl 2 go back to your trainer and train your Slash. You will recieve your first style. You can then place that on your quick bar and it will be more effective than the basic 'attack' mode.

I'm assuming your at Humberton by your description although I'm not sure of any cutpurse's near there :hmmm: If you want to adventure to different places to hunt, remember to 'bind' at the nearest bind stone so you can release to a convenient spot instead of going back to your rogue trainer. The further you go out, the harder the mobs get so you are correct to stay around the village area until you're stronger.

At night you can light your torch by hitting T so you can see.

Staying on the road is most often the safest way to travel until you learn the land.

If you ever feel in danger run to a roaming guard and they will protect you.

If I was playing a starting minstrel at lvl 5 I would have 3 slash, 4 instruments. You will get two slash styles, health regen song, speed song, and insta DD. A good round base to get you going. Before lvl 5 you dont lose xp but once your offically a minstrel at lvl 5 evertime you die, you lose so you with that little base of dmg you should do fine.......but that's just my opinion.

My scout is a fletcher so plz dont buy those junk instruments from the merchants. Just let me know what you need and I'll make you some nice ones.

06-03-2004, 04:16 PM
Oh and when you're on next time do a /who Outlaws and /send an Officeer so that we can toss ya an guild invite and hook ya up with some stuff

OUTLAWS 9.99repeating^32
06-03-2004, 04:51 PM
Machine - Thanks, you're absolutely right, learning how to use the quickbar is an absolutely essential, and I'm definitely going to look into using it properly. Thanks for offering me some nice weapons to get me started.

Sauron - Actually, yes, that did help me out. The "~" button was the button that I forgot about. And thanks for offering me some nice items.

Sepra - Thanks for giving me that advice with the slash, I will do that next level. I'll remember to bind when I venture further out, and I'll try to stay close to the road. When you say "insta DD", I assume you mean an Instant Direct Damage spell right(just making sure). 3 slash 4 instruments..I wrote that down and I'll see if that makes sense for me when the time comes at level 5. I'll try to send you a tell in game about some instruments if you have some(don't go out of your way or anything to make me some if you can't..by the way, I know that there is a "rapid detioration" property for items that are too high level for you character to use; would that apply in this case?). Thanks again.

OUTLAWS The Machine
06-03-2004, 04:53 PM
I think the default mouse look toggle button is M.

06-03-2004, 11:36 PM
Originally posted by 9.99repeating^32@Jun 3 2004, 11:51 AM
Sepra - Thanks for giving me that advice with the slash, I will do that next level. I'll remember to bind when I venture further out, and I'll try to stay close to the road. When you say "insta DD", I assume you mean an Instant Direct Damage spell right(just making sure). 3 slash 4 instruments..I wrote that down and I'll see if that makes sense for me when the time comes at level 5. I'll try to send you a tell in game about some instruments if you have some(don't go out of your way or anything to make me some if you can't..by the way, I know that there is a "rapid detioration" property for items that are too high level for you character to use; would that apply in this case?). Thanks again.
Yes DD = Direct Damage.

Yes, using weapons/armor too high for you breaks the item down. Stick with Yellow or OJ conning items. Seriously, it wont take me long at all to make you some instruments. When you purchase them from merchants you get crappy 89% quality crap. You wont need to worry about deterioration. Player crafted items can be made to suit your lvl.

06-04-2004, 07:33 AM
Don't forget the F keys! F7 targets nearest loot to you. F7 then G you pick up loot, if it's in your range. F8 targets the nearest enemie in your range.

Big keys to learn. F9 if for friend and realm mates near you, which I have used in buffing.


Once ya get in the guild, I will group with ya. I have a necro and buffbot that I am trying to level at the same time. No biggy if my bot is a few lvls behind. Wouldn't take anything to get ya caught up a little. :)

06-04-2004, 12:10 PM
Plving is a baaaad thing for newbies :oooo:

OUTLAWS 9.99repeating^32
06-04-2004, 12:28 PM
Alright, cool Grimmy, I'll be looking forward to that.

Last night, I managed to get to level 3, so everything is going smoothly so far. I am starting to learn the keys now; I understand how to use the quickbar now. Fortunately, Shodin, Spikealot, and Morjin really helped me out a great deal, and now I have a full set of "Orange" leather armor and two purple Mithral Longswords. I have the Ruby Slash ability and have been learning how to manage using that and balancing with the ability to sprint. I journeyed to the northern gates of Camelot, which was quite the sight to see(I met Spikealot there). I also rode a horse for a while, although I couldn't figure out how to stop! :) Until some members of the guild told me to hit A or jump key. So that was fun. Again, I think I'm making some nice and steady progress, and even more important than that, I am enjoying myself while doing so. Thanks again to all those who helped me out last night and gave me a nice welcome and encouragement.

OUTLAWS The Machine
06-04-2004, 01:10 PM
I'm sure some of us will help you level up but it is imparative that you learn to play your character while low level. Once you start grouping with others you will be a much better player for it. Levels 1-20 go fast and this is when you learn most about the game and how to play your class. Some people get "power leveled" and get to 50 in a week and have no idea how to play there character.

06-04-2004, 03:41 PM
Originally posted by OUTLAWS The Machine@Jun 4 2004, 08:10 AM
I'm sure some of us will help you level up but it is imparative that you learn to play your character while low level. Once you start grouping with others you will be a much better player for it. Levels 1-20 go fast and this is when you learn most about the game and how to play your class. Some people get "power leveled" and get to 50 in a week and have no idea how to play there character.

OUTLAWS 9.99repeating^32
06-04-2004, 04:20 PM
I was thinking a bit about Dark Age today at work, and I have some more questions(I hope to be a Minstrel but am currently a Rogue, here is a link describing Minstrels -> http://www.camelotherald.com/characters/minstrel.php):

1) Currently I am using a longsword in one hand. I have a free left hand which does nothing during combat. A minstrel can use Staves, Slashing, and Thrusting weapons(and small shields). My question is, when I become a Minstrel, can I use two-handed weapons? If so, which do you believe is a better combination..a slashing weapon and a small shield or a two-handed weapon?

2) Let's say that I am in the process of casting a spell and I am stabbed in the back. Will I be interrupted(I've never casted a spell because I'm not a Minstrel yet)? If so, is there any way to resist being interrupted?

3) Can players hide in plain sight? What I mean by that is, can I come in close to a player(while under stealth mode), attack him, then run for a bit and then go into stealth mode again(which would mean that he cannot see me anymore)? Additionally, does wearing heavier armor, such as chain armor, or using shields inhibit ones ability to remain unseen while in stealth mode?

4) On Camelotherald.com it explains that using songs is worth 0 spell power. Does this mean that there is no limit to the amount of songs one can cast(I know that only one can be sang at a time)? Or is it only a certain amount of uses per hour/day/etc.

Again, I'm sure that I can find these questions out on my own, so please do not feel obligated to answer them. But I would appreciate it if anyone does answer them now, just to satisfy my own curiosity.

06-04-2004, 05:02 PM
Originally posted by 9.99repeating^32@Jun 4 2004, 11:20 AM
...I have a free left hand...
No. Must RESIST! :bandhead:
Must not comment! :devil: :devil: :devil:

OUTLAWS The Machine
06-04-2004, 05:16 PM
Currently I am using a longsword in one hand. I have a free left hand which does nothing during combat.

Get a shield!

OUTLAWS The Machine
06-04-2004, 05:16 PM
Minstrels can not use 2 handed weapons

OUTLAWS The Machine
06-04-2004, 05:17 PM
Additionally, does wearing heavier armor, such as chain armor, or using shields inhibit ones ability to remain unseen while in stealth mode?

No. only your level in stealth matters

OUTLAWS The Machine
06-04-2004, 05:18 PM
Can players hide in plain sight? Yes. they can be right in front of you and you not see them.

06-04-2004, 05:26 PM
I cant answer all but I can answer some.

1. I dont think minstrels can use two-handed. You need to use a slash weapon where your training slash and a small shield. It may be possible not 100% sure but I've never seen a two handed minstrel.

2. Cant answer the minstrel interruption question. I know as a caster you get interruped but minstrels are primarily melee when in combat and use spells as secondary form of dmg. But to answer the question vaguely as my view point as a caster......if your being hit you will be interrupted and unable to cast. You can quickcast and mez or have someone peel the mob off of you but in your case, your not a pure caster so you would probably just fight what's hitting you.....you're a light tank :P

3. Yes. When you experiment with the low lvl RvR which are called battlegrounds there are two types of rolls you can play in minstrel gameplay. You can run in a grp as a support class providing them with speed, health regen song, mana regen, mezzes etc where you wont really stealth a whole lot or you can run solo or in a stealth (sneak) grp where obviously stealth travel is madatory. If you are soloing, you will want to do just that......kill-run-stealth. No gear will prevent you from being hidden.

4. You are correct, you can run speed song forever without running out of pwr for example.

06-04-2004, 05:31 PM
Damn Jandar, I hit reply and he's spamming up the thread :rofl:

OUTLAWS The Machine
06-04-2004, 05:34 PM
Originally posted by Sepra@Jun 4 2004, 01:31 PM
Damn Jandar, I hit reply and he's spamming up the thread :rofl:
Who? Me? :angel: :oooo:

OUTLAWS 9.99repeating^32
06-04-2004, 07:08 PM
Wow, thanks Machine and Sepra for those quick and informative replies. I think I know how I'm going to play my character, at least the basics of him. All that is left to do now is get in the game and level myself up.

06-04-2004, 09:18 PM
Welcome 9.9 :jammin:

If there is anything else u need just gimme a shout. :thumbs:

Death Engineer
06-04-2004, 10:05 PM
Couple of comments based on my experience getting my minstrel up to level 24:

1. Minstrels will usually not have their weapons out (oh hush Jim). They usually are playing songs with their lute, drum or flute.

2. Minstrels don't really cast spells. They have direct damage "shouts" that do instant damage (no, they can't be interrupted).

3. Don't try to solo. Believe me. This is the long route for a minstrel. Find some casters who will beg you to just stand there and play your power song. Then just soak up the XP.