View Full Version : COOLING!

01-21-2003, 09:06 PM
I have a question. Because I am saving pop cans for a new card, I really am not in the market for a new case. However, I do want to put another fan in, and I am fresh out of pre-cut holes. Has anyone cut a hole in their case, and if you have what did you use? I am looking to put in an 80mm.

01-21-2003, 09:36 PM
I used a Dremel Tool, go to http://www.maximumpc.com , they have a great article on adding blowholes. :thumbs:

01-21-2003, 10:07 PM
Sweet thanks.
Is it safe to do that.
I would love to put 2 side fans and 1 more rear fan in my box.
95F is not cool enough.

01-21-2003, 10:15 PM
Here's a couple of direct links to two different methods. I used both and IMO The dremel is the way to go. ;)
Dremel Method (http://www.gideontech.com/guides/blowhole/) & Holesaw Method (http://www.ocaddiction.com/articles/howto/blowhole/)
Here's a article on a cheap way to dress up the rough edges. LINK (http://www.icrontic.com/?action=article&id=324)

01-21-2003, 10:38 PM
Thank you very much guys!