View Full Version : Catacombs

06-06-2004, 08:52 PM
What is this new expansion and where can I find Screen shots of it?

06-07-2004, 03:55 AM
The New Frontiers expansion is a free download available to all. It will redesign game play for Realm vs. Realm and Player vs. Player. The NF expansion is playable and already in beta testing on Pendragon. /charcopy to pendragon to PLAY it.

The Catacombs Expansion is a new retail game expansion available to be purchased by those who have the SI and ToA engines already installed. This expansion will encorporate new graphics designs, a modified engine (yet again), a new land area, new items, a new trade skill, and hopefully (still in hush-hush mode) a new character class for each realm. Screenshots are available on most personal websites, some links and pics in here, and anyone who went to E3 will have buckets of visual aids for you. Cats has not went to beta yet, so mythic is scared to release too much info on it yet, will have to deal with the scraps lying around the net from the e3 conference.

OUTLAWS The Machine
06-07-2004, 11:56 AM
Sounds saweet!