View Full Version : Serious Sam and Spam

Stone Cold
06-07-2004, 06:18 AM
Started playing again for the last week now and wasn’t too impressed with all the spam lately. There is just too much of it going on in the servers and its becoming intolerable and unplayable :mad: Don’t know how my older bro get perfects with such spam most of the time, beats me :dry: …damn that cheater…Damn u dude, damn u bastard :loser: :rofl: j/k bro I know u still love me :unsure: :oooo: :P
But still this game was more enjoyable long ago and much more entertaining to play back in da days then now…many dicks that think they are all big and bad run around laying random grenades all over the place hoping to find some good ol ppuusssyy but all they end up getting is unpleasant shrinkage. While the real ppuusssyy is hiding and camping with the RL stuck up their @ss!! WTF happened to this game :WTF:

Just wished there was a non spam free server or private server of some sort for us guys only who know how to frag and play the game :jammin:

Boy I sure remember some great games back in da days though with guys like Dangerous Dan, Psycho Marz, TUW, Turbo Charger, Blackwolf, Sam-I-Am, Tik, my older bro and a few others sorry if I had forgotten your names at this time but they were the kind of great games you don’t have or get nowadays!

~Stone Cold

06-07-2004, 11:09 AM
Originally posted by Justice@Jun 7 2004, 09:18 AM
Don’t know how my older bro get perfects with such spam most of the time, beats me :dry: …damn that cheater…Damn u dude, damn u bastard :loser: :rofl: j/k bro I know u still love me :unsure: :oooo: :P
Me neither. :WTF: Huge spam & serious difficulty = impossible to get perfects :bandhead:

Alexis SC430
06-07-2004, 11:30 AM
Well, as a noob myself (or pretty close to one... like a sophmore noob I guess) I really can't comment on the current lack of regular, old time players...

But, what I can comment on is the lack of players... period! Sometimes it's just... dead. Nothing! And WHY, pray tell, doesn't everyone just upgrade to version 1.07?!?! It's like HEL-LO, there're few enough players as it is without half of the ones we do have playing an outdated version!!!
HOPEFULLY, when Serious Sam 2 is released it will restimulate an interest in fragmatching, though I'll be damned if I can find any semblance of an estimated release date on Croteam's website. :mad:

Spam causing lag? Aside from those rare instances where those script clients shoot out hundreds of messages a minute, I don't really notice any lag -- resulting from spam, at least... why DO they call it FIGONA "SUPERFAST" anyway? And WHY are people there sometimes when the virtually lagless OUTLAWS servers are empty AND ON THE SAME MAP?!?!??!
As for Psycho Marz, maybe the X that flows through my veins now and then is causing me to hallucinate, but I've seen him in there a bunch (or, at least, many times when I am playing) under different aliases... all of which kick my ass to a degree that can't even be funny to him!!

06-07-2004, 01:51 PM
:hmmm: Maybe when Sam 2 comes out, all of the old SSSE players with they're "special rules" will fill the servers with bitching and complaints that the new players will give the game up fast instead dealing with all the attitudes and Sam 2 will quickly wilt like SSSE :hmmm:

06-07-2004, 03:23 PM
UT needs grenades that will bounce around 4 times at almost an equal
distance as the first bounce, then they might have something to complain about

06-07-2004, 06:32 PM
Originally posted by JIMINATOR@Jun 7 2004, 11:23 AM
UT needs grenades that will bounce around 4 times at almost an equal
distance as the first bounce, then they might have something to complain about
:hmmm: ever try to outrun a field of spider mines??? :blink:

grenades aren't shiot, and oh yeah, we have grenades too now :rofl:

06-07-2004, 06:46 PM
Its not that grenades bounce, its that they kill you instantly if you run into them, unlike UT where they wil only take down a portion of your health.

06-07-2004, 06:58 PM
Originally posted by .:EXEcution:.@Jun 7 2004, 02:46 PM
Its not that grenades bounce, its that they kill you instantly if you run into them, unlike UT where they wil only take down a portion of your health.
so, you've stepped on a grenade, or a crowd of them and only lost a little health??? Puhlease!

Shall we mention the Bio rifle spam????? Never hear "snot whore" in a server :hmmm:

06-07-2004, 07:00 PM
Originally posted by Pure_Evil+Jun 7 2004, 02:58 PM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Pure_Evil @ Jun 7 2004, 02:58 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-.:EXEcution:.@Jun 7 2004, 02:46 PM
Its not that grenades bounce, its that they kill you instantly if you run into them, unlike UT where they wil only take down a portion of your health.
so, you&#39;ve stepped on a grenade, or a crowd of them and only lost a little health??? Puhlease&#33;

Shall we mention the Bio rifle spam????? Never hear "snot whore" in a server :hmmm: [/b][/quote]
its just alot different, because in ssam you can manuver around much faster and spam from higher ground.

06-07-2004, 07:18 PM
Originally posted by .:EXEcution:.+Jun 7 2004, 03:00 PM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (.:EXEcution:. @ Jun 7 2004, 03:00 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'>
Originally posted by Pure_Evil@Jun 7 2004, 02:58 PM
<!--QuoteBegin-.:EXEcution:.@Jun 7 2004, 02:46 PM
Its not that grenades bounce, its that they kill you instantly if you run into them, unlike UT where they wil only take down a portion of your health.
so, you&#39;ve stepped on a grenade, or a crowd of them and only lost a little health??? Puhlease&#33;

Shall we mention the Bio rifle spam????? Never hear "snot whore" in a server :hmmm:
its just alot different, because in ssam you can manuver around much faster and spam from higher ground. [/b][/quote]
You didn&#39;t answer my question.

Also, since in SSSE you can move faster, you can, if skilled avoid danger and kill spammers quicker.

06-07-2004, 07:22 PM
Originally posted by Pure_Evil+Jun 7 2004, 03:18 PM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Pure_Evil @ Jun 7 2004, 03:18 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'>
Originally posted by .:EXEcution:.@Jun 7 2004, 03:00 PM

Originally posted by Pure_Evil@Jun 7 2004, 02:58 PM
<!--QuoteBegin-.:EXEcution:.@Jun 7 2004, 02:46 PM
Its not that grenades bounce, its that they kill you instantly if you run into them, unlike UT where they wil only take down a portion of your health.
so, you&#39;ve stepped on a grenade, or a crowd of them and only lost a little health??? Puhlease&#33;

Shall we mention the Bio rifle spam????? Never hear "snot whore" in a server :hmmm:
its just alot different, because in ssam you can manuver around much faster and spam from higher ground.
You didn&#39;t answer my question.

Also, since in SSSE you can move faster, you can, if skilled avoid danger and kill spammers quicker. [/b][/quote]
lets just end this by saying that not alot of people in UT take unfair advantage of the grenades or rockets as they do in ssam

06-07-2004, 07:27 PM
Originally posted by .:EXEcution:.+Jun 7 2004, 03:22 PM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (.:EXEcution:. @ Jun 7 2004, 03:22 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'>
Originally posted by Pure_Evil@Jun 7 2004, 03:18 PM

Originally posted by .:EXEcution:.@Jun 7 2004, 03:00 PM

Originally posted by Pure_Evil@Jun 7 2004, 02:58 PM
<!--QuoteBegin-.:EXEcution:.@Jun 7 2004, 02:46 PM
Its not that grenades bounce, its that they kill you instantly if you run into them, unlike UT where they wil only take down a portion of your health.
so, you&#39;ve stepped on a grenade, or a crowd of them and only lost a little health??? Puhlease&#33;

Shall we mention the Bio rifle spam????? Never hear "snot whore" in a server :hmmm:
its just alot different, because in ssam you can manuver around much faster and spam from higher ground.
You didn&#39;t answer my question.

Also, since in SSSE you can move faster, you can, if skilled avoid danger and kill spammers quicker.
lets just end this by saying that not alot of people in UT take unfair advantage of the grenades or rockets as they do in ssam [/b][/quote]
No, they use the shock rifle lightning gun combination.... Or the deamer :devil:

there is no end, just eternal evil :devil: :jammin:

06-07-2004, 09:51 PM
Maybe if Croteam would put server side settings for the disabling of powerups, super weapons, etc. life would be all peachy keen for you folks, but until that happens (and I wouldn&#39;t hold my breath) you are either going to learn to grit your teath and put up with it or find another game to play.
Frankly I&#39;m getting tired of the whining going on in the games and on the forums about spamming and powerup whoring. I said this over a year ago and I will say it again. THERE ARE NO RULES FOR PLAY MENTIONED IN THE SERIOUS SAM MANUAL&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;.
In Serious Sam I rarely spam and even more rarely do I use powerups, however I reserve the right to use them as I please.
In UT2004 you dang well better believe I will use the power ups because that&#39;s what they are there for. It&#39;s a given that they will be used and you never ever hear anyone whine about it.
So why is there such a difference in the mentality of the players of the 2 games?
Dunno, will wait for some rational discussion on this.

06-07-2004, 10:46 PM
That&#39;s true...Nothing worse than running a server with a newer map and whenever someone without that map tries to join, they fill up the slots so no one else can get in &#33;&#33; :bandhead: :WTF:

06-07-2004, 11:24 PM
I think it all boils down to this. Croteam intended for Sam to be a single player and coop game and never intends to make it the real deathmatch game that it could be.

I agree with EviL Doom.....new maps would breathe new life to the game, but without server download or fixing the glitch that causes a space to be taken up, it will always be the same old maps.

06-08-2004, 12:48 AM
well, its like this:
any comparison of sam to UT is nonsense. UT has a code base and a budget and
programmers that is way beyond anything that a 3rd world country group can
ever come close to. so a comparison is essentially meaningless. still, despite all
of that, SAM does a ton of things well. there are shortcomings, but then there is
that budget thing again. I have seen a lot of newer and better financed games that
pretty much play like crap.

as for all of the complaints of SAM... I believe that they can be rectified. Unlike
other MP games, SAM has a difficulty setting that multiplies the damage weapons
do. rockets have a large splash zone that will kill or seriously damage anyone.
a dbsg in serious difficulty will do 280 pts of damage. add to that SD, and you
have 1120 pts of damage. To think, that if people are spaced correctly, you can
kill 11 of them with one blast. Add to that that it lasts 40 seconds, at one shot a
second, you can do 45000 pts of damage. I don&#39;t think there is anything remotely
similar in UT. That is a ludicrous amount of damage.

The europeans have countered that by setting the servers to normal damage.
Grenades and rockets will hurt you but not necessarily kill you. that points the
game more towards skill and lessens the effectiveness of spam and powerups.
for the most part i would agree that all of the europeans are more skilled than
the americans. so how about a request that the outlaws servers be set to normal
or hard?....

btw, as for myself, I don&#39;t care how anyone plays. getting spammers and puppies
is a challenge, and I reserve the right to do the same at any time...

the gods used to have a server that was on hard difficulty with 30 kills.
that was a nice change of pace...

06-08-2004, 01:05 AM
Originally posted by JIMINATOR@Jun 7 2004, 08:48 PM
well, its like this:
any comparison of sam to UT is nonsense. UT has a code base and a budget and
programmers that is way beyond anything that a 3rd world country group can
ever come close to. so a comparison is essentially meaningless. still, despite all
of that, SAM does a ton of things well. there are shortcomings, but then there is
that budget thing again. I have seen a lot of newer and better financed games that
pretty much play like crap.

as for all of the complaints of SAM... I believe that they can be rectified. Unlike
other MP games, SAM has a difficulty setting that multiplies the damage weapons
do. rockets have a large splash zone that will kill or seriously damage anyone.
a dbsg in serious difficulty will do 280 pts of damage. add to that SD, and you
have 1120 pts of damage. To think, that if people are spaced correctly, you can
kill 11 of them with one blast. Add to that that it lasts 40 seconds, at one shot a
second, you can do 45000 pts of damage. I don&#39;t think there is anything remotely
similar in UT. That is a ludicrous amount of damage.

The europeans have countered that by setting the servers to normal damage.
Grenades and rockets will hurt you but not necessarily kill you. that points the
game more towards skill and lessens the effectiveness of spam and powerups.
for the most part i would agree that all of the europeans are more skilled than
the americans. so how about a request that the outlaws servers be set to normal
or hard?....

btw, as for myself, I don&#39;t care how anyone plays. getting spammers and puppies
is a challenge, and I reserve the right to do the same at any time...

the gods used to have a server that was on hard difficulty with 30 kills.
that was a nice change of pace...
Nice post, and yeah I liked that God server.

Frag Junky
06-08-2004, 01:45 AM
Originally posted by Alexis SC430@Jun 7 2004, 11:30 AM
Well, as a noob myself (or pretty close to one... like a sophmore noob I guess) I really can&#39;t comment on the current lack of regular, old time players...

But, what I can comment on is the lack of players... period&#33;&nbsp; Sometimes it&#39;s just... dead.&nbsp; Nothing&#33;&nbsp; And WHY, pray tell, doesn&#39;t everyone just upgrade to version 1.07?&#33;?&#33;
Less players in 1.05, then 1.07. I play both, but mostly 1.07. The reason I like 1.05 is better ping. Croteam made the net code worse, not better in 1.07. But the little things like a tone when message is posted, and fixing some cheats like half models makes 1.07 better for playing.

I have been playing Sam for two years almost with the same player name. Few if any have a clue who I am. I have run a server from day one. SPWA4 to start, and now Exodus4. I get cussed out all the time because I like Info Ammo. Talk about spammers. I take special joy in fragging spammers, so no big deal.

It comes down to Time Zones. I see new players all the time, and old timers are by far the fewest of them. The game only cost &#036;8.85 at Wall-Mart now, so more and more are picking it up, which is great, but I find we are getting more and more trahsers. Trashers and Large Text Binders are the ones that make my blood boil.

Spam and PUP&#39;s, :WTF: To each their own. I would rather die, then take a cheap kill with SD. For those that do, Part of the game Deal with it.

WTF, I play for fun, winning is a bonus. Who cares about winning as long as I can have a fun game.

Stone Cold
06-08-2004, 06:16 AM
Originally posted by Casanova+Jun 7 2004, 11:09 AM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Casanova @ Jun 7 2004, 11:09 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-Justice@Jun 7 2004, 09:18 AM
Don’t know how my older bro get perfects with such spam most of the time, beats me&nbsp; :dry: …damn that cheater…Damn u dude, damn u bastard&nbsp; :loser: :rofl: j/k bro I know u still love me&nbsp; :unsure: :oooo:&nbsp; :P
Me neither. :WTF: Huge spam & serious difficulty = impossible to get perfects :bandhead: [/b][/quote]
I guess some players like him are just damn lucky or damn skilled&#33;

Stone Cold
06-08-2004, 06:20 AM
Originally posted by Alexis SC430@Jun 7 2004, 11:30 AM
As for Psycho Marz, maybe the X that flows through my veins now and then is causing me to hallucinate, but I&#39;ve seen him in there a bunch (or, at least, many times when I am playing) under different aliases... all of which kick my ass to a degree that can&#39;t even be funny to him&#33;&#33;
how long have u been playing alexis? u seen to know psycho marz quite well according to your post&#33;

btw great overall post :thumbs:

Stone Cold
06-08-2004, 06:25 AM
Play the game the way u prefer to play it. There is no rules stating u should play the game in a certain way. All I’m saying is that things have changed a lot for the worse towards a negative path. All u have now are mostly spammers and campers and there are more of them now then in the past. I have this good feeling some do it deliberately to piss off players. There is a lot more big text spamming going on now then before. This not only causes distractions but lags the server as well.

But I’m starting too not give a fvk about it now as it seems although it bothers me sometimes and yes I’m bitching about it here but will leave it at that and move on coz it doesn’t do any good talking about it anymore. Good or bad spam or not who gives a fvk lets frag&#33;

Stone Cold
06-08-2004, 06:26 AM
There is just something about serious sam that has called me back to it. Don’t know wtf it is but there is definitely something about this game that has a lot of players like myself returning. If only croteam got the fvking netcode right in the first place this game would have been ranked up there in the tops among the most popular/played FPS multiplayer games :jammin:

Stone Cold
06-08-2004, 06:36 AM
Originally posted by JIMINATOR@Jun 8 2004, 12:48 AM
a dbsg in serious difficulty will do 280 pts of damage. add to that SD, and you
have 1120 pts of damage. To think, that if people are spaced correctly, you can
kill 11 of them with one blast. Add to that that it lasts 40 seconds, at one shot a
second, you can do 45000 pts of damage. I don&#39;t think there is anything remotely
similar in UT. That is a ludicrous amount of damage.

The europeans have countered that by setting the servers to normal damage.
Grenades and rockets will hurt you but not necessarily kill you. that points the
game more towards skill and lessens the effectiveness of spam and powerups.
for the most part i would agree that all of the europeans are more skilled than
the americans. so how about a request that the outlaws servers be set to normal
or hard?....

How did u figure out that the DB does the amount of damage you claim for instance 280pts of damage.

I have taken out players with 200 armour and 200 health with one shot many times before so does that count as 400pts?

And european players are not better skilled then us. They are just as good as us but not better. Where did u get this information from. I have played in v1.05 alot in the past and had tons of gg&#39;s against some of the top players there with a ping disadvatage.

Agree though on toning down the outlaws, grim reapers server settings to hard would be a nice change&#33;

06-08-2004, 08:58 AM
start your own server on serious and play two characters. armor up one and get the other up to him and shoot him... it would be 280 pts but there are rounding errors...

06-08-2004, 09:08 AM
subtract 70 for hard and another 70 for normal. although at normal
the knife only does 50 pts... probably the best balance would be normal
where the knife still was a 1 hit kill...

06-08-2004, 10:13 AM
Originally posted by Frag Junky+Jun 8 2004, 03:45 AM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Frag Junky @ Jun 8 2004, 03:45 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-Alexis SC430@Jun 7 2004, 11:30 AM
Well, as a noob myself (or pretty close to one... like a sophmore noob I guess) I really can&#39;t comment on the current lack of regular, old time players...

But, what I can comment on is the lack of players... period&#33;* Sometimes it&#39;s just... dead.* Nothing&#33;* And WHY, pray tell, doesn&#39;t everyone just upgrade to version 1.07?&#33;?&#33;
Less players in 1.05, then 1.07. I play both, but mostly 1.07. The reason I like 1.05 is better ping. Croteam made the net code worse, not better in 1.07. But the little things like a tone when message is posted, and fixing some cheats like half models makes 1.07 better for playing.

I have been playing Sam for two years almost with the same player name. Few if any have a clue who I am. I have run a server from day one. SPWA4 to start, and now Exodus4. I get cussed out all the time because I like Info Ammo. Talk about spammers. I take special joy in fragging spammers, so no big deal.

It comes down to Time Zones. I see new players all the time, and old timers are by far the fewest of them. The game only cost &#036;8.85 at Wall-Mart now, so more and more are picking it up, which is great, but I find we are getting more and more trahsers. Trashers and Large Text Binders are the ones that make my blood boil.

Spam and PUP&#39;s, :WTF: To each their own. I would rather die, then take a cheap kill with SD. For those that do, Part of the game Deal with it.

WTF, I play for fun, winning is a bonus. Who cares about winning as long as I can have a fun game. [/b][/quote]
second that&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;

Run my server on mental>>> thats serious with less ammo pickup.

Less ammo to spam :lol:

Still i would like to know how some players move incredible fast???


Frag Junky
06-08-2004, 11:56 AM
Originally posted by DiTomasso+Jun 8 2004, 10:13 AM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (DiTomasso @ Jun 8 2004, 10:13 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'>
Originally posted by Frag Junky@Jun 8 2004, 03:45 AM
<!--QuoteBegin-Alexis SC430@Jun 7 2004, 11:30 AM
Well, as a noob myself (or pretty close to one... like a sophmore noob I guess) I really can&#39;t comment on the current lack of regular, old time players...

But, what I can comment on is the lack of players... period&#33;* Sometimes it&#39;s just... dead.* Nothing&#33;* And WHY, pray tell, doesn&#39;t everyone just upgrade to version 1.07?&#33;?&#33;
Less players in 1.05, then 1.07. I play both, but mostly 1.07. The reason I like 1.05 is better ping. Croteam made the net code worse, not better in 1.07. But the little things like a tone when message is posted, and fixing some cheats like half models makes 1.07 better for playing.

I have been playing Sam for two years almost with the same player name. Few if any have a clue who I am. I have run a server from day one. SPWA4 to start, and now Exodus4. I get cussed out all the time because I like Info Ammo. Talk about spammers. I take special joy in fragging spammers, so no big deal.

It comes down to Time Zones. I see new players all the time, and old timers are by far the fewest of them. The game only cost &#036;8.85 at Wall-Mart now, so more and more are picking it up, which is great, but I find we are getting more and more trahsers. Trashers and Large Text Binders are the ones that make my blood boil.

Spam and PUP&#39;s, :WTF: To each their own. I would rather die, then take a cheap kill with SD. For those that do, Part of the game Deal with it.

WTF, I play for fun, winning is a bonus. Who cares about winning as long as I can have a fun game.
second that&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;

Run my server on mental>>> thats serious with less ammo pickup.

Less ammo to spam :lol:

Still i would like to know how some players move incredible fast???

:wave: [/b][/quote]
I got to say I do love the Info Ammo here. I always run my server on Info. Yes it does create the perfect setting for Spammers, but what the hey. I hate running out of ammo in the heat of battle. Besides, I will admit it, I am a cannon whore. I enjoy taking the art of Cannon Snipping to a new level. :oooo: Cannon is great for Flushing out the hall way. :devil:

As for moving faster, not sure. Every move and jump I make is with knife in hand. I only pull a weapon when I fight. I have all my weapons mapped to num pad keys, and switch weapons with a quick stroke the finger, never having to look at the keyboard or lift the hand. Very quick and efficient.

A lot of people say the server can move the fastest, and that they have server advantage. To some extent this is true. The only advantage I really get out of it is I run it the way I like to play, Serious Diff, and Info Ammo :devil: What a lot of players do not realize until they run their own, is how much the server will lag when someone with modem joins, or when the action gets real heavy. When this happens, and it happens a lot, it is just like playing on someone else&#39;s server.

I agree with Justice on the Net Code, if the next release has it fixed, SS has the potential of being the best FPS ever. It is the one I have played the longest out of all FPS. I have UT, IMO and it bites. Action is to slow. I could fall asleep waiting for a weapon to fire, to get across a map. Same with Quake.

Stone Cold
06-10-2004, 05:36 AM
Originally posted by JIMINATOR@Jun 8 2004, 09:08 AM
subtract 70 for hard and another 70 for normal. although at normal
the knife only does 50 pts... probably the best balance would be normal
where the knife still was a 1 hit kill...
cool and thanks for clearing that up :thumbs:

06-10-2004, 06:25 AM
Hmmm... If the outlaw servers changed the setting, would it be funner? I&#39;m not sure if I want to trade no spam for no one shot kills.. BUT, I like the sound of a change in pace..

OUTLAWS 9.99repeating^32
06-10-2004, 12:37 PM
I would like to see the one of the Outlaws&#39; servers run nothing but the "Shotty Trouble" and "Found Tomb" maps. The other server could run the normal maps. I think that would be interesting.

06-10-2004, 01:40 PM
Originally posted by 9.99repeating^32@Jun 10 2004, 08:37 AM
I would like to see the one of the Outlaws&#39; servers run nothing but the "Shotty Trouble" and "Found Tomb" maps. The other server could run the normal maps. I think that would be interesting.
I agree. :thumbs:
The people that actually have skill will play the non spam maps.

06-10-2004, 02:24 PM
Originally posted by Frag Junky@Jun 8 2004, 01:56 PM
A lot of people say the server can move the fastest, and that they have server advantage. To some extent this is true. The only advantage I really get out of it is I run it the way I like to play, Serious Diff, and Info Ammo :devil: What a lot of players do not realize until they run their own, is how much the server will lag when someone with modem joins, or when the action gets real heavy. When this happens, and it happens a lot, it is just like playing on someone else&#39;s server.

I agree with Justice on the Net Code, if the next release has it fixed, SS has the potential of being the best FPS ever. It is the one I have played the longest out of all FPS. I have UT, IMO and it bites. Action is to slow. I could fall asleep waiting for a weapon to fire, to get across a map. Same with Quake.
I run my server on the same compu i play on, so no lan.

Have to go out on the net and back, sharing the up and download with 6/8 other players :wacko:

06-11-2004, 08:19 PM
My thoughts:

Well I agree with Justice, it makes it hard to enjoy the game with "Any" spamming......but with SS on most servers unless your playing Shotty Trouble, or someother modded map you will "Not" get away from it.

I could say the Nobs/ aka Noobs are ruinning the fun of the game, as most Nobs havent had or taken the time to develope any skilz, well atleast in part&#33;

I did some spamming when I first started playing Sam..... ah the revelations of time :angel: But I wanted to better my game so took another path that more suited my desired style without all the spam, SD or what not.

And yes SS is unfortunately also suited to spammers, SD ho&#39;s, campers, and yes even the cannon ho&#39;s. I just never had interest in that type of playing. It was to me to say the least.....lame &#33;&#33;

So while I still feel that Croteam has one of the best FPS out there it has its limited game capability. ala Budgets?

Well I hope they can and will still build on their success........yes I said "their success" Improve a Great Game with better game options, better net play/ especially including the server side of this game...no SeriousRunner ....Beta&#39;s&#33;
Even make it able to be ported to Linux servers, and I think Croteam will have the one of the best if not the best FPS that has ever been conceived or created :wootrock:

That would make SS more viable as a mainstream game and give them the recognition, players and accolades that I believe they justly deserve. :thumbs:

And ah 2 you spammers, SD ho&#39;s etc., that i know arent Nobs....... be afraid , very afraid :devil:

06-11-2004, 08:26 PM
:hmmm: that has to be the longest TIK post ever... :thumbs:
hope to see you on again sometime soon...

06-11-2004, 08:43 PM
Who me? > >>ahhhh shucks :cool:

Die Hard
06-12-2004, 12:03 AM
I don&#39;t spam or take pups.

I play with lag and high ping.

Spammers everywhere.

And I still love Sam. Just get on with it :thumbs:

06-12-2004, 06:04 AM
Originally posted by Die Hard@Jun 11 2004, 07:03 PM
I don&#39;t spam or take pups.

I play with lag and high ping.

Spammers everywhere.

And I still love Sam. Just get on with it :thumbs:
Ahhh.......a fine example of ones formulative spew for an open discussion :online2long:

Frag Junky
06-12-2004, 07:11 AM
Originally posted by DiTomasso+Jun 10 2004, 02:24 PM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (DiTomasso @ Jun 10 2004, 02:24 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-Frag Junky@Jun 8 2004, 01:56 PM
A lot of people say the server can move the fastest, and that they have server advantage. To some extent this is true. The only advantage I really get out of it is I run it the way I like to play, Serious Diff, and Info Ammo :devil: What a lot of players do not realize until they run their own, is how much the server will lag when someone with modem joins, or when the action gets real heavy. When this happens, and it happens a lot, it is just like playing on someone else&#39;s server.

I agree with Justice on the Net Code, if the next release has it fixed, SS has the potential of being the best FPS ever. It is the one I have played the longest out of all FPS. I have UT, IMO and it bites. Action is to slow. I could fall asleep waiting for a weapon to fire, to get across a map. Same with Quake.
I run my server on the same compu i play on, so no lan.

Have to go out on the net and back, sharing the up and download with 6/8 other players :wacko: [/b][/quote]
I can see by the spec&#39;s in your sig why you can do that. Nice setup. :thumbs:

I tried that for a while, but it was not so much the lag it caused, but the spikes. I would get spikes off the chart on my graph. I turned on Debug trying to figure it out, and found it was caused by syncearly. For every spike I would get, there was a related syncearly in the log file.

On a different note. I don&#39;t understand why all the upset over PUP&#39;s. If a person is running from one to the other, then yes. If a person chooses to use them, then that is their choice. I choose not to. For those that do, why not, they are part of the game.

This brings up a interesting point. We all classify Invisibility, Serious Damage and Invulnerability as PUP&#39;s, but do you consider the 200 life and armor as PUP&#39;s. Do you consider snatching these before someone else a smart move, or running from one PUP to the other, and being a whore. What makes these any different from the normal clasfication of PUP. You are twice the life and armor as them when entering a battle. Standing toe to toe with shotty and hit for hit, who is going to die first. How is this any different then SD. Or is it just because you do not notice, because they do not glow.

If grabbing 200 Life and Armor is a PUP whore, then yes I am one. In the two years I have been playing SSSE Fragmatch, I have only had one person confront me about that. And that was only because I beat them to it. Common since tells you to do what ever you have to to survive. You don&#39;t just stand there and let them shoot you.

If a person chooses to take a PUP once in a while, then it is their choice just the same as a shotty player hates cannon, or they hate mini gun, so they tell the other person it is not fare because it is not shotty. All weapons are part of the game as well. Learn to master them all.

BTW, shotty is my worst weapon. :tounge: Give me a cannon any time. :woohoo:

06-21-2004, 01:02 AM
Spam in the place where I live (ham and pork)
Think about nutrition, wonder what&#39;s inside it now (oh boy)
Spam in my luchbox at work (it&#39;s the best)
Really makes a darn good sandwhich any way you slice it at all

If you&#39;re running low, go to the store
Carry some money to help you buy more
The tab is there to open the can
The can is there to hold in the spam * :wootrock: *

Any who, I like firing many many many grenades, Alexis and I call it the Patriot Missile System for it&#39;s inaccuracy and tendancy to cause friendly fire deaths. Don&#39;t like other types of spam though, Spam is not good and tastes yucky.
Thank you.


06-22-2004, 08:15 AM
i don&#39;t know about anyone else but i enjoy smashing people who use the "patriot missle system". especially when they&#39;re camping. drives me crazy.

06-22-2004, 09:26 AM
Originally posted by Frag Junky+Jun 12 2004, 09:11 AM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Frag Junky @ Jun 12 2004, 09:11 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'>
Originally posted by DiTomasso@Jun 10 2004, 02:24 PM
<!--QuoteBegin-Frag Junky@Jun 8 2004, 01:56 PM
A lot of people say the server can move the fastest, and that they have server advantage. To some extent this is true. The only advantage I really get out of it is I run it the way I like to play, Serious Diff, and Info Ammo :devil: What a lot of players do not realize until they run their own, is how much the server will lag when someone with modem joins, or when the action gets real heavy. When this happens, and it happens a lot, it is just like playing on someone else&#39;s server.

I agree with Justice on the Net Code, if the next release has it fixed, SS has the potential of being the best FPS ever. It is the one I have played the longest out of all FPS. I have UT, IMO and it bites. Action is to slow. I could fall asleep waiting for a weapon to fire, to get across a map. Same with Quake.
I run my server on the same compu i play on, so no lan.

Have to go out on the net and back, sharing the up and download with 6/8 other players :wacko:
I can see by the spec&#39;s in your sig why you can do that. Nice setup. :thumbs:

I tried that for a while, but it was not so much the lag it caused, but the spikes. I would get spikes off the chart on my graph. I turned on Debug trying to figure it out, and found it was caused by syncearly. For every spike I would get, there was a related syncearly in the log file.

On a different note. I don&#39;t understand why all the upset over PUP&#39;s. If a person is running from one to the other, then yes. If a person chooses to use them, then that is their choice. I choose not to. For those that do, why not, they are part of the game.

This brings up a interesting point. We all classify Invisibility, Serious Damage and Invulnerability as PUP&#39;s, but do you consider the 200 life and armor as PUP&#39;s. Do you consider snatching these before someone else a smart move, or running from one PUP to the other, and being a whore. What makes these any different from the normal clasfication of PUP. You are twice the life and armor as them when entering a battle. Standing toe to toe with shotty and hit for hit, who is going to die first. How is this any different then SD. Or is it just because you do not notice, because they do not glow.

If grabbing 200 Life and Armor is a PUP whore, then yes I am one. In the two years I have been playing SSSE Fragmatch, I have only had one person confront me about that. And that was only because I beat them to it. Common since tells you to do what ever you have to to survive. You don&#39;t just stand there and let them shoot you.

If a person chooses to take a PUP once in a while, then it is their choice just the same as a shotty player hates cannon, or they hate mini gun, so they tell the other person it is not fare because it is not shotty. All weapons are part of the game as well. Learn to master them all.

BTW, shotty is my worst weapon. :tounge: Give me a cannon any time. :woohoo: [/b][/quote]
:wave: I think you have a point, but entering a shotty battle 200/200 is not a win by definition. Due to lagg problems its hard to get a shot on target. On your screen its ok, but on the server its a half mis :P
You go in full and just one shot on target from the other player and its over.

It cost to much time to wait and pickup extra armour and health, normally i go with what i have. Starting a battle and stay in there untill one of us is dead. Stupid me even start battles while being red and if i don&#39;t have a weapon the knife will do :P


06-22-2004, 09:36 PM
Originally posted by Die Hard@Jun 12 2004, 12:03 AM
I don&#39;t spam or take pups.

I play with lag and high ping.

Spammers everywhere.

And I still love Sam. Just get on with it :thumbs:
Well said Die Hard.
