View Full Version : Gas in Iraq

06-07-2004, 03:15 PM
Read this way to go Uncle Sam! (http://apnews.myway.com/article/20040605/D830R9JG0.html) :blink: :WTF:

06-07-2004, 03:20 PM
i read an article about that yesterday. an iraqi was quoted as saying that if gas prices rose, people would be rebelling in the street.

please tell me again why we are there??

06-07-2004, 03:29 PM
Originally posted by JIMINATOR@Jun 7 2004, 11:20 AM
i read an article about that yesterday. an iraqi was quoted as saying that if gas prices rose, people would be rebelling in the street.

please tell me again why we are there??
We are there to remove Saddam from power and to seize their weapons of mass destruction :rofl: :rofl: no, really we are :drink: :drink: :drink: wait 2 more :drink: :drink: yeah, I almost believe it now :drink:


06-07-2004, 03:29 PM
Isn't it for the hashish????

No no sorry, its for the low cost kitty litter thats right.....

I have no idea.....??? :WTF:

06-07-2004, 03:45 PM
it just sickens me how much my budget has been hit due to these gas prices. all middle class families have felt this burden on our finances. it sickens me that every time i go to fill up, gas has risen another couple of cents. i have yet to understand why the current administration has done nothing and therefore will cost them my vote come election time. i see no change for the better for americans these past few years. we are drowning in our own stupidity. i have supported bush in the past but refuse to be ignorant and nor allow myself to see a failure when it's a failure. i am not too keen of kerri either but at this point, i see nothing to lose.

most families have to have both parties to work to pay for health care, aut insurance, food, daycare, etc, etc. with the cost of auto insurance here in ny along with gas prices, americans are getting ripped off daily. when does it end?

i look at the increase of my budget in the past year and find myself stressed due to the over priced items we need daily.

monthly charges-based on a 4 weeks
daycare for baby--1000.00
gas for 2 cars-------400.00
car insurance-------250.00
car payment 1 car--465.00

total----------------2115.00 monthly
this is only the items listed that my wife and i have to make sure is paid.
this cost does not include living (house payment), food and diapers and medical insurance. this does not include the co-pay for the daily doctors visits and prescriptions for my daughter which parents know what i am talking about. this does not include utilties such as electric, heat, telephone, cellphone, cable tv, or internet. this does not include the parties you have been invited to or weddings or holidays. this does not incude the life insurance bill or the college fund we need to start before you actually have a child.

so why does america have a 75% divorce rate? why are the youth of america not getting the attention needed? why are most americans tense and stressed on a daily basis.

because we allow it :bandhead:

maybe one day we americans will once again take control back from the gov't and start a new gov't which is a constitutional right to prevent the power at be from becoming too powerful to we the people.

wait....i am talking like a terrorist according to the patriot act. oh that's a beauty :blink:

there is something that this war in iraq or mid east should teach americans. a small army or group can be dangerous and strong. we ought to be cleaning our own political mess before allowing this power to infect someone else's country with the american political cancer.

is this the way america is supposed to be?
is america that great and if so do you claim it is great because some other countries have it worste?
is being better than another country consider you great or better off?
are we too consider our self lucky to be american and have pride to be part of something that seems lik a large corporation rather than a country?

i just consider myself a proud american does not consider himself a part of this and ould fight to death for my beliefs. (again, that sound like terrorism to the current gov't)

06-07-2004, 04:24 PM
Unbelievable!!! That is so ridiculous!!! I know Europe has it even worse than the US with regard to gas prices, so this ought to make them hopping mad too!!! Speaking of gas, has anyone heard the reports about farmers having their huge (holding thousands of gallons) diesel tanks stolen from their property lately?!?! One 3000 gallon tank stolen costs that farmer at least $6000 just for the gas, not to mention they have to replace the tank... It's a shame!!! I know some of them have it insured and whatnot, but I can't say that all of them do!

Check This Out (http://msnbc.msn.com/id/5054209/)

Fuel Thefts (http://www.sjfb.org/oct2003/fuelthefts.html)

:mad: :mad:

06-07-2004, 04:46 PM
@ 5.79, i woul dbe forced to get a hose and gas can and go car to car but then again, @5.79 people here would be guarding their auto's with dbl barrels

Mad Fox
06-08-2004, 06:05 PM
Well if everyone boycotted buying gas for a day or two it might send a nice little message to thos in high places

The Message would be


And when the money stops flowing they will start singing a new tune :mellow:

06-09-2004, 12:35 AM
Originally posted by Mad Fox@Jun 8 2004, 06:05 PM
Well if everyone boycotted buying gas for a day or two it might send a nice little message to thos in high places

The Message would be


And when the money stops flowing they will start singing a new tune :mellow:
thsi idea is bad and many have tried this with those dumb e-mails. no matter what, you are going to need gas to drive and everyone knows that. now if everyone went to the bank and took all there money out and stopped buying stuff until something is done then you would quickly see something happend. how about the nation stop going to work until things get fixed. this will never happend but it would put a dent in things

06-09-2004, 12:50 PM
Originally posted by ME BIGGD01+Jun 8 2004, 08:35 PM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (ME BIGGD01 @ Jun 8 2004, 08:35 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-Mad Fox@Jun 8 2004, 06:05 PM
Well if everyone boycotted buying gas for a day or two it might send a nice little message to thos in high places

The Message would be

WERE SICK OF THIS&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;

And when the money stops flowing they will start singing a new tune :mellow:
thsi idea is bad and many have tried this with those dumb e-mails. no matter what, you are going to need gas to drive and everyone knows that. now if everyone went to the bank and took all there money out and stopped buying stuff until something is done then you would quickly see something happend. how about the nation stop going to work until things get fixed. this will never happend but it would put a dent in things [/b][/quote]
Also, if everyone took a weekend and went nowhere, just stayed home and read books or hung out with the familly, no shopping, air travel, nobody went to work. America just stayed home, a huge impact would be felt.

But we&#39;re too spoiled and lazy to pull it off.

06-10-2004, 05:24 PM
Originally posted by Mad Fox@Jun 8 2004, 02:05 PM
Well if everyone boycotted buying gas for a day or two it might send a nice little message to thos in high places

The Message would be

WERE SICK OF THIS&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;

And when the money stops flowing they will start singing a new tune :mellow:
Just because people didn&#39;t buy gas one day doesn&#39;t mean they used any less gas, this boycott would have no effect... What they should have done is "ride your bike to work days" or "carpool days" so consumption actually goes down instead of just postponing it...