View Full Version : Proposed NF RA template

06-11-2004, 05:34 PM
Pls everyone post your propsed RA template u'll go with in NF

U can use the RA calculater found here (http://daoc.nisrv.com/RA2/index.html)

Here's mine :

Myrmidon (R3 L9) Realm Points: 192,850
Total Points: 29 Unused Points: 0

(2) Augmented Acuity +12 int
(3) Mastery of Magery +12 % Direct Damage
(3) Wild Power +17 % chance of damage spell critical
(1) Mystic Crystal Lore +25 % power restored non-combat, 180s resuse
(1) Call of Darkness R5L0 RA: summon pet in 3s, 15m RUT

06-11-2004, 08:28 PM
Will definately be 5L5 by then and maybe 5L6

Here is what Im planning to get

(4) Toughness
(4) Aviodance of magic
(2) Determination
(1) Lifter
Blinding Dust 5L0 RA Insta-cast PBAE attack, +25% enemy fumble rate
Tireless Class Ability one endurance regen per tick
Stiocism Class ability reduces duration of all forms of CC by 25%
Prevent Flight Class ability with each hit a 10% chance of procing a 25% snare

06-11-2004, 09:22 PM
Unicorn Knight (R8 L4) Realm Points: 3,308,725
Total Points: 74 Unused Points: 0

(3) Augmented Dexterity +22 dex
(3) Augmented Acuity +22 int
(5) Mastery of Magery +28 % Direct Damage
(3) Wild Power +17 % chance of damage spell critical
(1) Raging Power +25 % power restored anytime, 600s RUT
(1) Purge 5s delay, 15m RUT : Dispel Negative Effects
(1) Wall of Flame R5L0 RA: Cast Ward that Pulses 150u 400dmg/3s PBAE, 15s dur or move, 10m RUT

06-11-2004, 10:57 PM
I'm hoping to be 7L5 by the time NF comes out.

Alerion Knight (R7 L5) Realm Points: 2,236,000
Total Points: 65 Unused: 0

(3) Augmented Dexterity +22 dex
(3) Wild Healing +17% chance of heal spell critical
(4) Mastery of Healing +19% healing effect
(1) Mastery of Concentration -25% effect, non-interrupted spell, 15s duration, 600s RUT
(2) Mystic Crystal Lore +50% power restored non-combat
(1) Purge
(1) Retribution of the Faithful R5L0 RA: Self Buff Procs 3s stun on any melee attacker, 30s duration, 5m RUT

Death Engineer
06-12-2004, 06:18 AM
Myrmidon (R3 L5) Realm Points: 122,500
Total Points: 25 Unused Points: -10

(3) Whirling Dervish 5 min RUT - 30sec double melee dmg
(1) Second Wind 15 min RUT - full endurance restored
(1) Retribution of the Faithful R5L0 RA: Self Buff Procs 3s Stun on Any Melee Attacker, 30s dur, 5m RUT


06-13-2004, 01:32 AM
For my scout. I'm just a hair away from 4L0 and this is what I was thinking of

(3) Augmented Dexterity +22 Dex
(2) Falcon's Eye +9 Chance of bow critical
(3) Mastery of Stealth +15%/300 Movement speed/unit stealth detection while stealthed
(1) Purge 5s delay, 15min RUT : Dispel Negative Affects
(1) Volley I/II/III/IV Class ability: GT atk 5 arrows at target in area. 50 bow/6 shots 15 min RUT
(1) Tireless Class ability: 1 endurance regen per tick

For my sorc @ 3L8.

(2) Augmented Acuity +12 Int
(2) Mastery of Magery + 5% Direct Damage
(2) Wild Power +9 % chance of damage spell critical
(1) Mastery of Concentration -25 % effect, non-interruped spell, 15s dur, 600s RUT
(1) Mystic Crystal Lore +25 % power restored non-combat, 180s RUT
(1) Purge 5s delay, 15 min RUT : dispel negative affects

Black Rose
06-16-2004, 12:54 PM
Gryphon Knight (R4 L7) Realm Points: 405,150
Total Points: 37 Unused Points: 0

(2) Augmented Acuity +12 int
(2) Mastery of Magery +5 % Direct Damage
(2) Wild Power +9 % chance of damage spell critical
(2) Mastery of Concentration -50 % effect, non-interrupted spell, 15s dur, 600s RUT
(1) Mystic Crystal Lore +25 % power restored non-combat, 180s resuse
(1) Purge 5s delay, 15m RUT : Dispel Negative Effects
(1) Shield of Immunity R5L0 RA: focus shield reflects 25%, ABS 90% melee dmg, 20s dur or move/cast, 15m RUT

06-16-2004, 02:36 PM
Gimped RR5 bull****!


Eagle Knight (R5 L7) Realm Points: 837,775
Total Points: 47 Unused Points: 4

(2) Toughness +75 max hp
(5) Avoidance of Magic -28 % to all magic dmg
(1) Purge 5s delay, 15m RUT : Dispel Negative Effects
(1) Snapshot R5L0 RA: Draw and Fire xBow while running, 60s, 10m RUT
(1) Tireless Class Ability: 1 endurance regen per tick. All classes w/ lvl 15 styles
(1) Stoicism Class Ability: Reduces the duration of all forms of crowd control by 25%. Lvl 35 required