View Full Version : Finally Beat the Toughest Next Gen Game.

Burn the Witch
06-11-2004, 09:07 PM
Ikaruga, after so many months and so much enjoyment, now lays dead at my feet. If you own a cube, go and buy it.

06-11-2004, 09:14 PM
Isn't it one of those arcade shooting games.

Burn the Witch
06-11-2004, 09:55 PM
Yes, but its insanely good. Don't dismiss it. There are two polarities (black and white) and you absorb bullets of the same colour. There is no way to avoid everything on screen, its just not possible. Its bastard hard, but its absolutely worth the trouble.

06-11-2004, 10:00 PM
I'll check it out. Will be renting it to try it out tommorrow

06-11-2004, 10:06 PM
Originally posted by Burn the Witch@Jun 11 2004, 04:07 PM
Ikaruga, after so many months and so much enjoyment, now lays dead at my feet. If you own a cube, go and buy it.
You have got to be ****ing kidding me...you beat it!? That game is insane...you will have to tell me your secret...

Burn the Witch
06-12-2004, 12:36 AM
Basically, from Chapter 4 Onwards:

Chapter 4: Reality. (make it here without losing a continue)

Note: Chapters 4 and 5 are basically two bosses throughout.

Part One:

Some Black/White Ships here. Absorb what you can, then use your bomb to kill the ships off. Then the chapter begins.

You find yourself next to a space station, spewing bullets everywhere. Shoot what you can, chain up if you can, then it will force you inside. Follow the trails of black towards the centre. when you cant any more, do it briefly with white, then switch to black. STAY INSIDE. When all the ships start comming, just stay inside and blow them up. Then get in the top right corner (on Vertical) and WAIT.

Work your way back down to the front of the station when it forces you. Sometimes I die once here -- its tough. This should be your first death.

At the front again, the stations Barriers blow up. It starts spewing out black/white lines AND bullets. Just shoot it and bomb when you can. Easy.

Part Two:

Mid Section. Kill turrets. Fast moving bullets. Dodge like crazy. Hardish.

Then you will have 4 turrets behind you and 2 infront. Take out one of the large turrets, then absorb the others fire. Use bombs (which will always go for the ones behind you). Then take out the other main one. Easy.

Last part is just suicide planes etc. Avoid fairly easily.

Part Three:

Boss. ****ing hard man. stay near the wall. Open then barriers to the core up. Bear in mind the core is white, so bombing it black will take it down fast. All I can say is move and survive. I often dont actually kill this boss. On the master video, the guy goes INSIDE the core, but....nah, I'm not that good.

Final Chapter: Metempsychosis (I made up my own name for the bosses based on the story in the manual)

Part One: Easy! Just a prelude to the boss. Its short.

Boss One: Four Headed Cult Leader.

HAAAARD! 4 heads fire out a grid. All I can say is shoot, then move after each head. Use your bombs. The bullets are the problem here.

Boss Two: Two Headed Cult Leader.

Not so hard. Fires out two "snake" (the mobile phone game) things, one white and black. Absorb their tales, dont touch the heads. They are invincible too, just aim at the boss.

Boss Three: Cult Leader True Demon Form.

The guy in the master demo makes this look easy. Its not. Start white. It bombs YOU. Absorb, FIRE. Change. Absorb. FIRE. Change, etc.....timing is crucial. After your half way, his head explodes and he goes NUTS!! All hell breaks loose, and...well...keep going!! Finally he falls. Its over.

Wait...no its not!

Final Final Boss: The Power of the Gods.

You cant kill it, you just survive for 100 seconds. Its INSANELY hard to survive, I lost about 6 lives to this one, there is **** going all over the ****ing shop. After the time is up, it goes into a cutscene and the Ikaruga Nukes it. Game over.

06-12-2004, 02:43 AM
I'm not a huge fa of old skool. side scroller space shooters, but ika does look kinda good, yet i dont think ill ever get the curve.....

06-13-2004, 03:47 AM
I bought the game today, whoo-hoo! Damn is it tough. I can't even get pass the chapter two final boss. I die a lot at that place with two boxes on each side that shoot out waves of red and blue thingies lol.

EDIT:Oh yeah whe nyou said there are two polarities(I'm guessing those things the enemies shoot out) aren't they red and blue, not black and white like you said?

06-13-2004, 04:17 AM
Originally posted by Burn the Witch@Jun 11 2004, 02:07 PM
Ikaruga, after so many months and so much enjoyment, now lays dead at my feet. If you own a cube, go and buy it.
damn you beat it? nice

Burn the Witch
06-14-2004, 02:53 PM
They are black and white, but they sure do look red and blue :)

Oh, and lots of people get stuck on the 2nd Chapter Boss for ages.

After I beat Chapter 2, I couldnt even get past the Chapter 3 Introduction...heh.

06-14-2004, 03:09 PM
You are the man Burn. :thumbs:

06-14-2004, 07:49 PM
I know how to beat the boss, but I just can't avoid the attacks.

Burn the Witch
06-15-2004, 04:59 PM
Firstly: REMEMBER: Bullets that go through the circle surrounding your ship will not harm you.

Best way to beat Chapter 2 Boss is to have your fully charged special attack at the beginning.

Open up the LEFT weakspot, then switch to black and use the special. Then switch left, go inside and turn black, blow the crap out of it. You should of done this before any special attack goes off.

When it starts spraying the spiral, go to the side it is spraying, it should be white/black/white etc. and absorb the bullets that it throws out. When its done, you should have no problem opening up the black side, and throwing a white special at it. Then duck inside and finish it as a white ship. You can do this before it lets off any diagonal sprays.

Good Luck. :jammin: Next -- Onwards to chapter 3!

06-16-2004, 02:21 PM
I'll try that sometime. I'm playin some new games now lol.