View Full Version : Any good game?

Mad Fox
06-16-2004, 07:40 PM
Does anyone here know of any new good gamess?

I really getting sick of my current ones :doh: :doh:

06-16-2004, 08:01 PM
get painkiller. the multiplayer may never get there, but single player is
great, and you will probably replay each level 3+ times in order to get
all the challenges... well worth it.

06-16-2004, 11:25 PM
Hmm, try True Crimes:Streets of LA, thats an alright game. Also Max Payne2

Burn the Witch
06-17-2004, 12:51 AM
I would reccomend, for PC...

Deus Ex (NOT Invisible War)
Baldurs Gate 1, 2
Thief 1, 2, Invisible Shadows
Far Cry
Civilization: Call to Power 2
Age of Wonders: Shadow Magic

And, to avoid:

Max Payne 2
GTA: Vice City

PS: True Crime, are you mad?

06-17-2004, 01:14 AM
Originally posted by Burn the Witch@Jun 16 2004, 08:51 PM
And, to avoid:

Max Payne 2
GTA: Vice City

:rofl: could you be more opinionated?
Those 4 games aren't bad (except maybe Morrowind)
Max Payne 2 has a good storyline and is pretty fun, jim already said all that needs to be said about PK, and Vice City is every bit as good as GTA:III it just could have been better.

06-17-2004, 08:21 AM
Try Falcon 4 SuperPak 4.1 if you want a good, immersive game.

I like Chessmaster 9000, too.

06-17-2004, 07:35 PM
pk is fun and very fast if you enjoy quake and of ss youll enjoy painkiller although the latest patch kinda messed up some of the weapons but still very fun.

mod* :wave:

Burn the Witch
06-18-2004, 12:26 AM
Sorry, next time I will try to give an opinion without being opinionated :P

Painkiller is good....but you can beat it in a weekend and multiplayer is awful. If you have the specs, I recommend Farcry....I could run it on max settings throughout and it rocked.

Invisible War was a crippling dissapointment...currently Im bludgeoning my way through Thief III: Deadly Shadows, and its a much better follow up by Ion Storm.

06-18-2004, 12:41 AM
Originally posted by Burn the Witch@Jun 17 2004, 08:26 PM
Sorry, next time I will try to give an opinion without being opinionated :P

Painkiller is good....but you can beat it in a weekend and multiplayer is awful. If you have the specs, I recommend Farcry....I could run it on max settings throughout and it rocked.

Invisible War was a crippling dissapointment...currently Im bludgeoning my way through Thief III: Deadly Shadows, and its a much better follow up by Ion Storm.
Kinda random question, but do u beat (or forcibly attempt to beat) every game that you own?

Burn the Witch
06-18-2004, 01:18 AM
Well come on man, Max Payne 2 can be beaten in 3 hours, Invisible War in around 7, so even if I played an hour and a half a day, I could still own them both in under a week.

Do I play more? Yes, I play craploads, but usually with a group of 4 friends. Keep it social people!

06-18-2004, 01:35 AM
Originally posted by Burn the Witch@Jun 17 2004, 09:18 PM
Well come on man, Max Payne 2 can be beaten in 3 hours, Invisible War in around 7, so even if I played an hour and a half a day, I could still own them both in under a week.

Do I play more? Yes, I play craploads, but usually with a group of 4 friends. Keep it social people!
what do u guys do after ur done playing video games? :blink:

06-18-2004, 07:07 AM
Max Payne 2 was great in terms of sequel-ness. MP1 was a great game, and they didn&#39;t screw up the second one. Although the graphics are far from incredible, the creators realized that they didn&#39;t need to really improve them to get a great sequel. Instead, they made bullet time as fun as it could be, and made the physics out of this world&#33; (shoot the guy in the intro hospital scene and watch the stuff on the shelf to see what I mean&#33;). Unfortunately, they did not give Max Payne 2 the incredible depth and storyline that Max Payne 1 recieved. While MP1 did not require an incredible amount of time to beat, it was certainly longer than the 6 days that MP2 required (playing an hour or so each day). Still, I highly recommend it.

And props to Deus Ex (the original one)

Burn the Witch
06-22-2004, 02:01 AM
I really didnt like Max Payne 2 because the story was so incredibly weak. The gameplay was undeniably great, and the Havok 2 engine was so much fun...to a point, I guess I&#39;m just not one of those people who enjoys throwing bodies around rooms....