View Full Version : Quitting DAoC

06-17-2004, 07:43 AM
Mythic does not deserve my cash.
This realm does not deserve my time.
After waiting one hour to get enough abls to spend 30 minutes of their time out of the goodness of their heart. After getting to wave 10 of my dream artifact to have it **** up because of a bug. After being denied assistance from a CSR. After 2 hours of waiting getting the encounter reset. After another hour of trying, we whipe because someone (they know who they are, I'm not saying names) is too used to be a leader and not a follower. After being mocked as a raid leader and mocked in my own alliance, and after all of this other **** I have gone through, I am quitting DAoC.

I'm selling my accounts.
http://www.playerauctions.com/listings/det...mnum=1087547631 (http://www.playerauctions.com/listings/details/index.cfm?itemnum=1087547631)

06-17-2004, 03:35 PM
Ok, we heard you. Your quitting DAOC. No need to post the same thing in 3 places.

Oh, and you aren't trying to quit very hard. An opening bid of 225.00 for a necro and a pally is a just silly. If you really want to quit, just give your acct away. :loser:

06-17-2004, 04:14 PM
leaving for a cruise saturday... was trying to sell it quick for some good cash before I left.. guess I'll have to sell it when I get back

06-17-2004, 04:41 PM
I have a dollar :)

06-17-2004, 08:23 PM
Lets see, i have a 10 canadian to spend.....ok?
:wave: :wootrock:


06-25-2004, 08:38 PM
=( , you'll be missed blackins keep in touch tho=) ;)