View Full Version : Close my Account

Frag Junky
06-18-2004, 01:30 AM
I have been coming here off and on for two years now. I have found the GM forums to be uplifting and very helpful both now and when I first got started in online gaming. People were friendly and more then willing to go out of their way to help.

With all respect to SALvation for managing a great place, and to WHOCARES for closing such a cheap shot at bashing. Thanks to both of you, and anyone else that believes in what you have here.

I speak for my self and no one else.

This Sirc bashing has gone to far. I for one am appalled by such childish behavior. The very ones appointed to Council too keep the Forums safe and clean are the very ones doing the worst to give GM a bad name. You guys were given Council position to protect members from the very persons you are. By posting his phone number you violated one of the biggest rules for online gamers. It is for that person to decide, not you. This also includes non council members who are in on it. You take cheap shots at someone that is not allowed to even defend them selfs and think your funny. You have abused your privilege of posting here. :loser:

I know Sirc personally and have had for nearly a year. I am proud to call him my friend. I talk and or play online games with him nearly everyday. Not once has he exhibited anything close to what you guys are talking about. Having said that, now it is your turn to bash me. :ha: I can not express my true feelings here as then I would be not better then you.

Again with all respect to the Admins who have created a great place like GM, I ask that my account be closed. As long as people like that are allowed to hold a position, I for one am gone.

06-18-2004, 01:37 AM
It's been a good time FJ. We will miss you. :bawling:

06-18-2004, 01:39 AM
I see where your coming from.
But there is a simpler solution to your account dilemna.
I like Sirc and only tried dialing that number once :P

06-18-2004, 01:45 AM
The bashing got out of hand today and unfortunately I was gone all day and did not have access to the forums to see what was going on. It started because of a threatening email Sirc sent to me last night out of the blue and some council members took offense to what he wrote to me and let their emotions get out of hand. Hopefully it is out of their system and any new threads will be locked.

Back to gaming...

06-18-2004, 01:51 AM
it was i that posted it and understand where you are coming from. i was wrong for doing that but got pretty pissed at something he did that i can not post here. other than that i admit i was wrong for posting it and it was stupid. we can all say it got out of hand but only at that point. i think wit sirc's multiple accounts and all that he has done permits others to poke fun at him but what i did was just foolish and i am a man to admit it.

take care

06-18-2004, 01:56 AM
You did it Bigg. You admitted it. Good job my friend. :) And I'm sure the Council members would forgive you. And SAL, I had no idea Sirc sent you such an e-mail. I am sorry about that. Is there a way with your account to block Sirc from e-mailing you in the future?

06-18-2004, 02:07 AM
Originally posted by TheMaster@Jun 18 2004, 01:56 AM
You did it Bigg. You admitted it. Good job my friend. :) And I'm sure the Council members would forgive you. And SAL, I had no idea Sirc sent you such an e-mail. I am sorry about that. Is there a way with your account to block Sirc from e-mailing you in the future?
yes, i did and it was wrong of me and it had nothing to do with any of the council members because i did it myself and i am ashamed it made them look bad. i just got insulted when he said i threaten little kids and hack them whn tha is not true. there isnt anyone here that can say i havent helped when they asked for it. i encourage the youngsters here to just make something out of themself. sure i have had my problems or fights with some members here but it usually gets resolved and we become better friends. look at me at mod. we are now dating :P no just kidding, we had our dispute and we made peace and have fun. we truthfully didnt feel the way we were arguing and did the right thing. same goes for xsw clan members (most of them anyway ;) ) we made peace and that was all. i have never attacked anyone first and that is the truth. i am not saying i am someone perfect but i try to be the better person. somtimes i am the worst person until i catch myself. if i am wrong i can admit it and try to fix it. i was wrong with the revengefull post and i admit it. i hope other will see that i am not here to cause problems fo anyone and i usually try to help anyone or just game. if anyone feels different than that, i would like them to post it here in this thread in a mature manner so i can see read it. i will hack them ofcourse if they hurt my feelings or find where they live and hurt them but that's about it--(another joke :rofl: ) all kidding aside, if you think i am a bad guy let me know here. i am always trying to make myself better. :thumbs:

06-18-2004, 02:32 AM
BIGGDO1, I have never thought of you as a bad person. There has never been any question in my mind on how good a person you are. It's people like you who I am glad to see on the council. Keep up the good work! :thumbs:

06-18-2004, 02:41 AM
for all that don't know who newbish dish is he is freestyler. another peson with multiple accounts. boohoo on him who feels i have hacked his pc. (you see it's people like him that turn me ugly). am i wrong to think bad of this guy? i feel i am justified to do what ever i want to him for 1. attacking me first for deleting his posts in my clan section 2. attacking me (oh i said that). talking nonsense about me when he is hiding in this forum under an alias is just the grown up thing to do.

you see some are right that we are all just internet people here but i beg to differ.
1. in real life if you come up to me or in th same room and talk smack to me i would just lay them out or hospilize them with severe fractures. yes that's what i am about if i am disrespected. in real life, i do not disrespect anyone unless provoked and therefore i will take action. some here have seen and met me in real life and have gone out for some dinks and see that i am a bit wild but a friendly as hell person. i enjoy people but dispise those who feel like they can ruin someones day or fun.

2. on the internet some feel safe they can do anythng they want to bother or annoy anyone. they feel safe that they can cause problems for administration of groups and piss off othe rmembers of the groups with the safe feeling it's not real. if i get pissed off it's real and will do what i feel i can to pay back since i can not punch them in the face and break a bone on them. i will not hack or send viruses to anyone although i may have the capability i will not.

free styler know what i am talking about because he has told a few pwople that i hacked his pc and why would he think i did that out of everyone in the forum? because he used an alias here at gm as he is now and started talking smack which he knows he did and who else to blame but the guy he started with for no reason.

that's all :wave:

06-18-2004, 02:42 AM
okee, it's over. i think the phone number thing was really excessive
though. bigg, you are too much a rageaholic like sirc, and let things get
way out of control. you should probably manually ban yourself for a
couple of weeks lest other action be mandated. anyway all, go back to
your cars.... and sorry newbish, i did not mean to offend you. sirc is
really a great guy and has a lot of great qualities. your posts are
reminiscent of his. :thumbs:

06-18-2004, 02:46 AM
oh and he said rock on :rofl:

06-18-2004, 02:50 AM
i will let the council vote on my banning which technically i did not break any rules except moral rules to one another.

but if i get banned--would it be ok to create a alias and come back :P

you just congradulated someone under alias yet you attacked someone in the past accusing them of an alias. :WTF:

06-18-2004, 02:53 AM
Me personally Bigg I don't want to see you banned. I guess that will be up to the council.

06-18-2004, 02:56 AM
Originally posted by TheMaster@Jun 18 2004, 02:53 AM
Me personally Bigg I don't want to see you banned. I guess that will be up to the council.
me either, i will miss you all too much damnit (pounds his fists on desk and catches his pink nail on edge) (screams blood hell) closes this post

06-18-2004, 02:58 AM
Originally posted by ME BIGGD01@Jun 17 2004, 10:50 PM

but if i get banned--would it be ok to create a alias and come back :P

Just don't tell anyone :rofl:

sorry I missed what you did.

06-18-2004, 03:00 AM
If you are banned I just want to say it's been nice getting to know you on GameMecca, and good luck with you in the future.

Caged Anger
06-18-2004, 03:01 AM
sorry to see you leave frag junky. Will always remeber the fun games in the hole on your server. Maybe I will find the extra ping and come visit your server again. Yet the ping has been awful lately...even in quake. Hope to see you soon :thumbs:

06-18-2004, 03:01 AM
Originally posted by Pure_Evil+Jun 17 2004, 10:58 PM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Pure_Evil @ Jun 17 2004, 10:58 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-ME BIGGD01@Jun 17 2004, 10:50 PM

but if i get banned--would it be ok to create a alias and come back :P

Just don&#39;t tell anyone :rofl:

sorry I missed what you did. [/b][/quote]
im sure bigg will pm u the number so u dont feel left out :P

06-18-2004, 04:56 AM
Freestyler I like you and demand you edit your post now&#33;&#33; Why get banned again? We know your not afraid, therefore you don&#39;t have to prove it..

:) Anyway, I don&#39;t think Bigg meant he was that pissed at you..

Btw, you appear suicidal.. You should get some help with that, and no that isn&#39;t a joke... ;)

::: DARK PSI :::
06-18-2004, 04:59 AM
** DING **

Thread Closed.

Oh and for everyone listening, I beg of you, please run your posts through a spelling and grammar checker. Sometimes I wonder if deciphering the Rosetta Stone was easier for humanity.

PHEW&#33; :wacko: