View Full Version : Goodbye Frontier

06-21-2004, 06:02 PM
Anyone else sad to see the old frontiers gone in less than 24 hours. Was thinking of all the good times. Battles with Ellyl lords to begin with, questing and epics galore, and the world of emain. Gonna miss that. Don't think I will play much with NF. Infis aren't that much useful anymore. Gonna respec my cleric and play him more, and keep my infi in DF. Also more excited about the lower bg's than anything. Gonna get a cabby out for that.

OUTLAWS The Machine
06-21-2004, 06:25 PM
Originally posted by OZZYOGRE@Jun 21 2004, 02:02 PM
Gonna respec my cleric and play him more
Or level a rejuv cleric. Rejuv cleric + buff bot is sweet.

06-21-2004, 06:29 PM
Yeah, I'm sad and excited both at the same time.

I think they shouldn't have put a port stone at BK's but have had them at keeps only. This would have still given sneaks continued gameplay to pick off soloers trying to get to the portal. Once the NF's come out people will get into a groove and I'm sure a new strategy will be formed. Sneaks will learn to find where the 'hot' spots are. Maybe running in a fg of stealth will be necessary. Camping bridges, covered bridges and boat docks. DD trap them as they cross and wipe out enemy realm like that or something. Try not to prejudge....we'll all have to adjust to a slightly different playing style but it might not be so bad.

I try to be optomistic. The NF's are really cool but I too am sad. Trying to get to DC to farm grannies but scared of sneaks hiding at amf. Fun :) Lots of good times and lots of learning. We're gonna have to learn all over again.......it's defenitly gonna be a new game.

06-21-2004, 07:20 PM
I agree sneaks will still be useful, but like you said may require full groups of stealth, and I have no fun like that, so I still like my cleric, gonna go smite + rej and powerlevel a bot on ozzy account. Still gonna play my infi just not as much and probably more in DF than anything

06-21-2004, 10:46 PM
I'll find out tomorrow if its gonna be worth my time or not.
I'm real bored of PVE and I just hope that me being an Arms isn't as screwed as I think I am.

06-21-2004, 11:53 PM
BG is a blessing and can be a critical support to a grp at times. You wont be out of a job Who.