View Full Version : Clan Match

06-22-2004, 02:24 PM
hey all villains
me and my friend Figona petter have had a idea
maybe figona and villains have a clan match
we will be here to talk but i dont know what time and when this
will be so

playes for figona i think should play


and subs for us r : Petter . Me . Kaptian . Hitman . Divvy

MAYBE this is what i think is best so let me now we will be having 4 players to play and about 5 . 6 subs to play

we may play it as ..


and other players play on the maps like so called

LT (Maybe for figona) ,,,Bong . me . Sirdingo , Petter
Hole . Emy . Bong . Me . Anis
Yod> Anis . Petter . Sirdingo . Hitman
Fortress .. Bong . Emy. Sirdingo , Anis

so this is what i think could be so we will need to do times to play and date to :)

let me now by PM or on this

bye bye


FIGONA - Reser :)

06-22-2004, 03:36 PM
any answers?

06-22-2004, 03:43 PM
Why not PM one of the Villains admins like DH or DS?

Happy GrandPa
06-22-2004, 03:56 PM
I want be in but i havent got sam now. :bawling: :bawling: