View Full Version : LOL my sorc has a problem

06-22-2004, 08:19 PM
I was really looking forward to play my sorc (lvl 23) in the bgs in NF. I already had some fun with her in DF (ran into a stealther with only 2% hps left and killed him - got me 1913 rps :cool: )

Now I saw the max rps available in the bgs. From lvl 20-24 u cap with RR1L3, from lvl 25-29 the cap is RR1L6. If u are over the cap u can stay in the bg but don't get any more realm points.

My sorc is already RR1L6 because of this stealther kill - so why should she go to the bgs still although she won't get rps till she dings lvl 30?

06-22-2004, 08:42 PM
Doh!! That is a problem. Man that sucks Bain :(