View Full Version : Children out there really need your help!!

06-23-2004, 08:39 PM
I would like to do something for the children who are out there alone, who have no home to go to and no one to watch after them. They have to fight everyday just to survive to find something to eat while we in the richer countries sit on our butts and become fatter and fatter when we could be doing a lot more to help…

I would like if we here at gm would collect some money together and then send them to some organisation in USA that helps children all over the world, children who have no homes and are alone or in the middle of war. You don’t have to give much money but every dollar counts.

15 dollars is nothing. You can live without that 1 month...I just want to do something. I can’t anymore just sit and do nothing. I know I can send money myself to organisations in Sweden and I’m going to but more people willing to help would be great. So I’m just asking you to help the children out there in the world who are in a living hell everyday fighting for their lives. Did you know that everyday 30 000 children dies out there somewhere who doesn’t have access to clean water and die of diseases when they have to drink dirty water and children that starve because there is not enough food for them while we sitting here and have plenty of things and plenty of food. It brings tears into my eyes. Every child should have a home and someone who love them and help them when they are in need. So I beg everyone in Gamemecca even some money is a huge help. I don’t have much money myself but I’m at least going to give 15 dollars.

I want to know what you think of the idea. I would be very happy if people here on Gamemecca would like to help too. Also we should think about which organisations we can give the money to. It has to be an organisation that we are sure gives the money to the right place because there is many organisations that trick people. They the money themselves and never give it to people who really need it. I want to be sure it goes to the children in need.

( i got help from gob to fixe my gramar in my own letter so ya know)

::: DARK PSI :::
06-23-2004, 08:43 PM
This could be good publicity for GM and we could help people. I would chip in. I already give to charities so one more never hurts. Just find a good one and I will help out.

06-23-2004, 08:46 PM
Originally posted by Sexyjess@Jun 23 2004, 01:39 PM
( i got help from gob to fixe my gramar in my own letter so ya know)
I knew it.. :lol:

06-23-2004, 08:53 PM
So does anyone want to set up a PayPal account so it would be easier for people to donate. :hmmm:

06-23-2004, 08:53 PM
hmm lets see if i got a spare nickle left :rofl:

06-23-2004, 08:55 PM
nah joking, jess got a heart of gold :wave:

06-24-2004, 03:34 AM
Originally posted by :: DARK LEVIATHAN ::@Jun 23 2004, 01:43 PM
I already give to charities so one more never hurts.
so you can write it off!

Seriously Deadly
06-24-2004, 04:10 AM
if i had money i would help :( I dont get allowances

06-24-2004, 04:24 AM
jess, i respect your heart but i pay enoughin taxes that the usa feeds enough of the world with nothing in return. i have no consern for any charities because they are 99% corrupt. you give 1 dollar, they get 10 cents. wanna help someone? walk around the neighborhood and find someone in need. every organization is corrupt and i will not suport them.

sorry, i would rather blow it at a strip joint. :thumbs:

06-24-2004, 05:52 PM
np friends thanks anyway for lissening to me i do it myself

06-24-2004, 07:02 PM
wow, i put an end to that :rofl:

jess, i think you have a heart of gold. sometimes you may want to help others and i agree that's great but their is too many frauds around that actually help. here is a suggestion that will work and be 100% more efficient.

find a soup kithen or church charity and offer to help them physically. go through your closets and look for clothes that you do not wear anymore and could offer them to someone who needs them. look closer at the family you have and friends to see if they are in need of help and offer it to them first. go through life like this and you will in god's eyes have been a good person. :thumbs:

06-24-2004, 09:33 PM
Originally posted by ME BIGGD01@Jun 24 2004, 07:02 PM
wow, i put an end to that :rofl:

jess, i think you have a heart of gold. sometimes you may want to help others and i agree that's great but their is too many frauds around that actually help. here is a suggestion that will work and be 100% more efficient.

find a soup kithen or church charity and offer to help them physically. go through your closets and look for clothes that you do not wear anymore and could offer them to someone who needs them. look closer at the family you have and friends to see if they are in need of help and offer it to them first. go through life like this and you will in god's eyes have been a good person. :thumbs:
yeayea ;)