View Full Version : Maps where the boats are at in all Realms

06-24-2004, 09:30 PM
I know the names of the locations

Bassus Brim Central, in Forest Sauvage
Viridis Plains, in Hadrian's Wall
Eastern Prolix Pass, in Pennine Mountains
Porth Myrddin North. in Snowdonia

Gaute Island, in Jamtland Mountains
Embla's Way, in Odins Gate
Shore of Nyrweser East, in Uppland
Mansken Landing, in Yggdra Forest

Bedwen Island, in Breifene
Glaswellt Plain, in Cruachan Gorge
Leasg Pass East, in Emain Macha
Dun Scathaig Spire, in Mount Collory

But it would be nice if they would have a marking on the maps so that I can go and get on one by just watching the maps while I travel to a destination.

Anyone knows a more specific map where it will show in the maps the boats locations to one place or another please. Ty

I still need to get use to it and I find myself at times lost and taking the long journey back. Doh!

06-24-2004, 09:32 PM
Your 'warmap' shows all the locations of docks Sas :WTF:

"I still need to get use to it and I find myself at times lost and taking the long journey back. Doh!" ML6 Ancient Transmitter (single teleport) FTW! :oooo:

06-24-2004, 09:35 PM
Originally posted by Sepra@Jun 24 2004, 04:32 PM
Your 'warmap' shows all the locations of docks Sas* :WTF:
That isn't the answer I was looking for sep lol.

I know the locations but at times when i am looking for them not sure which side or a specific loction is what I mean.

Like a loc would be more helpful for me to setup a macro to get there quickly.

Ty Sep but let's try that again and no I will not do my ML too Long to do and besides who am I going to do it with because I am having trouble just getting 1 artifacts and gathering people together to do so so ML will be out of the question. LOL ;)