View Full Version : Weapon dyes

06-25-2004, 02:33 PM
Pulled this off the VN Boards. Not great but I'll I've found so far. FYI, these dyes cost about 100g each to make and only work on player crafted weapons. Also, its been said that they so not work on Legendary weapons.

Edit: i'm at work and don't have Photshop here. The bottom row is;
Purple, Royal teal, Sage Green, Tan, Gold, Pale Blue, Earthen Brown.

06-25-2004, 03:00 PM
The Reason For No White:

The way dyes work in Camelot is kinda funny. They don't change the color of the item itself. Rather, they change the color of invisible spotlights shining on the item (which is why dye colors kinda look wonky in dungeons, or when you have your torch off). Another way to think about it, is like looking at your armor through a colored saran wrap. So if you look at something through a blue saran wrap, it looks bluey. If you look at it through an orange saran wrap, it looks orangey. What color saran wrap can you look through to make something white? Can't.

Catacombs is introducing a new type of armor dyeing, though (click here for a sample):

    Quote:Players who have Vertex and Pixel Shader 2.0, Direct X 9.0 compatible graphics cards will enjoy an additional feature - an enhanced texture tinting (armor dyeing) system. With Catacombs, dyed armors are no longer simply darkened to the selected color. A special masking technique is used to retain the highlights and shadows of the base texture resulting in a more realistic effect. For example, leather will dye a deeper color than metal, since the metal now keeps its characteristic shiny highlights.

Does that mean we'll see white dyes in Catacombs? Perhaps. If so, though, people without the expansion (or with extra graphics turned off) will probably see your armor as undyed.

06-25-2004, 03:00 PM
Ok that would mean I can color my Heavy Dustwood bow because it has been crafted.

Sweet ! :thumbs:

06-25-2004, 03:02 PM
My understanding is that you can do weapons and instruments. Not sure about staves and bows. Should work. :thumbs:

06-25-2004, 06:03 PM
Move over George Hamilton, Enter Gharac - The Gay Blade :P

06-25-2004, 06:05 PM
Oh Damn Sho. :rofl:

You gonna take that from him Term?