View Full Version : What the future holds for gaming

06-28-2004, 01:20 AM
Won't this be fun. :cool:

"After a brief training session, the patients could play the game by using signals that come off the surface of the brain," added Moran. "They achieved between 74 and 100 percent accuracy, with one patient hitting 33 out of 33 targets correctly in a row."

http://www.cnn.com/2004/TECH/fun.games/06/...mindgames.reut/ (http://www.cnn.com/2004/TECH/fun.games/06/15/video.mindgames.reut/)

solid snake295
06-28-2004, 01:35 AM
screen shots?!?! :lol:

i hope it does turn out like that horrible thing that nintendo made a few years back.
you know, that 'crap-traption' that was like a pair of goggles and all you can see is different shades of red... what a horrible idea. virtual reality my arse.

Caged Anger
06-28-2004, 02:27 AM
I played on one of theose things snake and they gave me this whopping headache. Couldn't game for a week. They suck! But maybe this one will be better

06-28-2004, 03:19 AM
i went to some seminar to see this device that is controlled by cameras and you walk into an area where the cameras are pointing at you. the thing was pretty neat and allowed you to work in a 3d world like some movie i saw once. it needed work but it worked and could see this widely used in stores. i went with this company for a design to allow people to shop and try clothes on with out even taking their clothes off. i left that company but still do some consulting for them and the disgn never left the books.

as to this, i can see it in the future and constantly wondering what's next. i gues it all depnds on th younger generations imaginatin which is where all ideas are developed. pretty cool :thumbs: