View Full Version : Im really desapointed

07-05-2004, 06:20 PM

read opinions at the end and u will understand why


no more daoc video for me :bandhead:

07-05-2004, 06:22 PM
don't let ya put down by posters (especially by VN posters :P )

Make more vids!!!

07-05-2004, 07:18 PM
not seen the videos, but it is very easy to be a critic (a$$hole)
so what has this guy made that is so great?
anyway, i say keep on making them
learn the tools, and they will only get better

07-05-2004, 08:28 PM
I visit a game video forum as often as i visti GM and they don't like DAC vids either, i have only watched a few and there really isn't anything amazing about them, RPG's are too complex to make a good movie from, its not nearly as amazing as a good Q3 trickjumping video or an solid UT frag movie.
I'll download ur movie and give u my honset opinion as an editor.
:rofl: there were 69 downloads before i clicked :P

07-05-2004, 08:46 PM
Well this guy didn't like the fights u had in the video but he also said you video has a good quality.

Ok it was mid killing so a mid surely wouldn't like to see his realm mates getting killed but thats not really important. When u make another video the content would be different... always depends on the material u have available. (BTW I liked your fights especially team wizzy in action)

And the music - lol ask 10 different people and each of them would tell u a different song or style of music they like.

More important is imo the quality of your video which was great indeed. What is the greatest fight if u can't see anything whats going on because the video quality is bad?

Keep making more videos - there might always be some people who don't like it but there will also be people who think u did a good job ;)

You can be proud of your video!

07-05-2004, 10:35 PM
People on the VN can be really harsh and critical to just about......hmmmm EVERYTHING. Everyone knows more or is better than the other.

I personally would love to see another one of your vids.......so when's the next one? :cool:

Edit: Since I've played DAOC I've noticed how techical most people are. I mean it's necessary for strategy and well just about everything in the game and it requires a huge amount of thought process. People are so serious and forget to step back and stop analysing everying so closely to the point that it's picked apart. Some people watch vids and have to watch every stupid thing like how your quickbar is set up, or if the minstrel used SoS at a time they thought was inappropriate instead of just watching and enjoying a really cool vid just for fun and entertainment.

07-05-2004, 11:34 PM
I'm sorry to say that i totally tuned out after the first 2 minutes, it might be the fact that i never play the game so i dunno wtf is going on but it looked like u were running around and swingign your sword in the air.
The music was to my liking but whats the point of even having music if there is no synchronyzation whatsoever, its like me playing DAC with media player running in the background playing a song.
I can see that you used Windows Movie Maker 2 to edit, and its hard to make a really professional looking video using that program.
Quality was decent, but the wm9 codec (assuming thats what you used) doesn't have the quality that other codecs do (IMHO XviD is the codec of choice for a clean looking and smooth running vid)
Again I do not think that DAC is a good game to make "skill" videos for and have yet to see a decent DAC vid.
Good Luck in the future and maybe you will find a better game to make videos for. :)

07-05-2004, 11:58 PM
Exe try this one :

Linky (http://webcounter.goweb.de/100736LINK-1&http://asuka.clanintern.de/dphome/speedy/na.avi)

07-06-2004, 07:48 AM
Sauron the Necro vid (http://www.gamemecca.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=33099) that you posted was really cool too. (but would probably seem pointless to Exe also since he doesnt know the game)

07-06-2004, 10:06 AM
Originally posted by Sepra@Jul 6 2004, 08:48 AM
Sauron the Necro vid (http://www.gamemecca.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=33099) that you posted was really cool too. (but would probably seem pointless to Exe also since he doesnt know the game)

07-07-2004, 05:16 AM
Dont wanna mess up but exe, what do u think i did when i watched your serious sam video, seeing a guys running and killing people with a dagger O_o?

Wasnt really exiting

Death Engineer
07-07-2004, 01:15 PM
Before this turns into another DAOC vs SS thread, lets just recognize that each game has it's own language and art. If you don't play the game, it's likely that you will not understand this art....in screenshot or movie form.

I appreciated both Bashman's and Exe's movies because I have played both games and understand all that went into not only the game play, but editting and mixing the movies. Congrats guys and keep making more vids.

07-08-2004, 08:09 PM
Originally posted by Sepra@Jul 6 2004, 03:48 AM
Sauron the Necro vid (http://www.gamemecca.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=33099) that you posted was really cool too.  (but would probably seem pointless to Exe also since he doesnt know the game)
thats true but i have seen other people's Unreal, RTCW, Q3, and other games that i don't really play and i was VERY impressed, i think that someone can make a better DAC vid, but since its a pretty technical game the vid is not for everyone

07-08-2004, 08:57 PM
exe, do us a favor and shaddup.... shooter videos are shooter videos.
For DAOC, you have to know what you are seeing, and who might
also help, so I have not seen the video, because I know I would
not properly appreciate it like someone that plays DAOC...

Death Engineer
07-08-2004, 10:33 PM
Keep it calm and civil folks. Last warning before this thread is locked.