View Full Version : Looking for a template

07-09-2004, 03:53 AM
Lev 50 Wiz with Mini in Earth.

Figure 99 qual cloth across the board.
Money is not an object.
I have no plans to get any Artifacts for some time if i do get any.
So whatever u can come up with will really help.

If you can't think of a dropped Staff to go with the Template use a 99qual PC one.

Again I really appreciate any help I can get.

07-09-2004, 03:59 AM
Oh Yea i forgot to mention I will need everything.

07-09-2004, 08:21 AM
First of are you Fire or Ice?

Who what would really help on figuring out a template is to maybe list a few things that you would have available to use or go to housing and get some pretty good items. like something that might add to your power pool, Inteli inc, dex inc. those
things can really help you out alot

thAchient copper necklace
Ebon Hide Brace
Cenaldon"s ring of power

There are so many items out there that can help you out it is very hard to find a place to start. I really wish there was a database that went with the SC Calc but Im sure that would take alot of time to do. What I would maybe suggest is go to housing and get some

Also you can look here to find some pretty good quest for items from ToA some have pretty good utility

Linky (http://www.visionofsages.net/toa/Quests.html)

07-09-2004, 11:18 AM
I will be going Fire.