View Full Version : IRC chat with Mark Rein

01-23-2003, 08:54 PM
The rest of it (http://www.cached.net/?go=main/newsarticle/single/5251)

This was from Cached.net, a smidgeon of info on the map pack. No word on it's or the patch's arrival.

Q&A with Mark Rein

k|Tex Wednesday 1/22/2003 8:55 PM CST

Mark Rein, Vice President of Epic Games, was in #ut2003 on ETG tonight answering questions from members of the community. Here is some of what he had to say...

<k|Tex> Mark how do you feel about CliffyB being sexier than you? Do you sometimes want to fire him so that you&#39;re the top dog?

<MarkRein[Epic]> k|Tex--&#62; I&#39;m happy that Cliff is sexier than me.

Ok, ok...there are more serious questions ahead, don&#39;t worry&#33;

<k|Tex> Mark can you give me an estimated release on the 2k3 Map pack, I spoke with CliffyB at CPL and he told me mid January, but it hasn&#39;t come out.

<MarkRein[Epic]> k|Tex--&#62; Uncertain. We&#39;re testing like crazy right now. This isn&#39;t just a simple map pack. There are also three new gametypes and a new mutator or two. Gametypes need a LOT of testing.

As for the size of the map pack?

<MarkRein[Epic]> Sergio--&#62; Not sure. I think it&#39;s about 200+ mb, not 700 that&#39;s for sure.

Wish they had released the maps on their own...because I got the impression from CliffyB at CPL that all the maps were done and good to go.

Other random comments from Mark include:

<[s]GoDLiKE> MarkRein[Epic]: MY FINAL QUESTION&#33;&#33;- Mark, is there any way you could make a [.dem] to .avi converter?

<MarkRein[Epic]> [s]GoDLiKE--&#62; Not from us but we&#39;re going to have a category for Matinee movies in the upcoming mod contest

<MarkRein[Epic]> [s]GoDLiKE--&#62; Sorry we have no plans to make a [.dem] to avi converter, sorry