View Full Version : Leaving DAoC

07-14-2004, 07:48 AM
hey all

yesterday was the last time i was on. I decided to Cancel daoc because i dont have anymore fun in rvr. Rolling a new char is impossible for me, because ToA needs too much time to get nice stuff... My armsman is no longer needed in new frontiers :(
i just want to thank you all for this great time in your Guild! i will miss the old emain runs with wordna, speedy, duck, max, rose, and many many more of you! i always had fun with the uba OoD group rocking emain!

i will come back in about 1 year and check out what happen to NF and Armsman. Then i make my Final choise to delete my lovely arms and give his uber sc template and the rest of my stuff away :P

maybe i start playing WoW or Matrix online if they lunch...

hope to see some of you guys again maybe in another mmorpg ;-)

have a great time and good luck with anything you guys doing! (expect the bad things ;-) [drinking beer and smoking some **** arent bad things thought :P])


your killer

07-14-2004, 08:14 AM
Take a break for a few, come back, realize all the fun you had/can have with Ood. And believe me, rolling another toon isn't that bad. I am playing 2 at the same time now, and having a blast, hitting NF here and there to keep it real and all. Hell I will roll a new toon with ya just so we can play and level together /wink

07-14-2004, 09:26 AM
rofl grimm :P
i think its better if i stop playing for 1 year because i also have my final examination then and i need some time to learn for that :( i think i'm coming back to check out catacombs but thats it....

07-14-2004, 09:46 AM

Defenitly come back for catacombs. We're gonna miss you /kiss

07-14-2004, 10:39 AM
Sorry to hear that! Hope to c ya with Catacombs! Gonna miss ya!


Black Rose
07-14-2004, 03:58 PM
Noooo Killer, not you.
Awe itīs sad to hear that. Thanks for all the fun and the laughs we had together while slapping the mids and hibbies.
Hope you will be back with the catacombs expansion
and please visit us here on the forum now and than.

We will miss you http://www.mysmilie.de/smilies/traurig/img/026.gif

07-14-2004, 04:03 PM
Will miss u Killer :( Hope u come back one day and good luck with the exams