View Full Version : Double ding 40

07-15-2004, 08:11 AM
on my cleric and necro! WOOT!!

Happy to reach the half way point to 50 :D

Now just have to have someone sc my cleric 40 armor and make me some 45 necro armor and get it sced, and I should be set to 50 /headbang!

07-15-2004, 08:40 AM

07-15-2004, 01:03 PM
WTG Grimster :D

Death Engineer
07-15-2004, 01:54 PM
Grats Grimmy.

One suggestion: if your cleric doesn't get hit much, you may as well skip the level 40 (and for that matter level 45) armor. Go straight for the AF102 chain. I have a set of epic armor I can loan you if you're interested.


07-15-2004, 02:00 PM
For armor my suggestion would be go to housing and buy toa stuff - thats cheaper than a crafted armor and the stats can be much better than sced armor (buffbonus, and so on). U can get good templates with bought armor anyway - maybe u have to get one or two pieces crafted still but thats still cheaper than a full set of crafted chain with this level.

And for a necro I honestly would never get crafted armor since it degrades soo fast. That's a waste of money in my book. Here I would also rather buy some toa stuff in housing.
Also a necro levels that fast that I would wait with good armor till lvl 50.

07-15-2004, 02:06 PM
Honestly due to the high decay rate of Necro armor i would refrain from gettin a PC'ed SC'ed armor for the Nec unless you're 50! Then imbue the + to skills into boots/gloves since those armor parts are easiest/cheapest to replace! If ya wanna waste money go ahead and get a sc'ed suit at earlier levels but that's just a waste of the crafters time and your money

I will look up that sweet template for Necs and post it here later :)

07-19-2004, 08:24 AM
woot! gratz grimm :)

07-19-2004, 02:13 PM
Grats Grimmy! :wootrock:

Dont go SC'd for your cleric. Go out to ToA and do all the Atlantis quests for the cleric armor. It's free, awesome armor for a buffbot and really doesnt take long at all to get all the pieces.

EDIT: Jag just told me the stats because I couldnt remember but the ToA cleric armor gives 44 to buff enhancement. The way to go IMO.

07-19-2004, 04:02 PM
Grats Grimmy! :wootrock:

Dont go SC'd for your cleric. Go out to ToA and do all the Atlantis quests for the cleric armor. It's free, awesome armor for a buffbot and really doesnt take long at all to get all the pieces.

EDIT: Jag just told me the stats because I couldnt remember but the ToA cleric armor gives 44 to buff enhancement. The way to go IMO.

/agree even tho the Buffbonus caps out at 25% afaik