View Full Version : Cheaters never prosper

Death Engineer
07-19-2004, 10:01 PM
Greetings! We just wanted to announce that the next stage of our anti-hacker campaign has come to an end, and share the results with you. Today:

We banned more than fifty people who got caught in the first wave, and weren’t smart enough to take the slap on the wrist a few weeks ago as a warning.

We also banned some people who did not get caught in the first wave a few weeks ago, but had other violations on their accounts.

We suspended more than 500 people for seven days, who were not caught in the first wave - but perhaps made the mistake of thinking that the first wave of suspensions was an attempt at “humor.”

The third stage of anti-hacker sweeps has begun. Please keep an eye on your friendly neighborhood Herald for the results of the next wave, which will consist primarily of bannings.

I'd love to have the breakdown by realm on all of those numbers. I'd be willing to bet there were more albs banned/warned than anyone else.

07-20-2004, 12:48 AM
how do people cheat in daoc? :hmmm:
i thought it was all server based.

07-20-2004, 05:21 AM
They use radar (don't ask). For instance, if you are running around RvRing with a small group or something, and then out of no where another group comes and ganks you, fine. They do it again, something fishy. Another one it if they are heading a totally different direction and then pull a 180 turn, gank ya. Could be possible they are using radar.

I say ban em for good! But then again, then there would only be albs on the server. :tounge:

Black Rose
07-20-2004, 06:03 AM
Hats off to Mythic. Hopefully they will get all cheaters bannend.
If they let them back or for those who got warnings, Mythic should reset all their realm points to zero, so they have to start again http://www.mysmilie.de/smilies/teufel/2/img/009.gif

I bet they dont have fun in cheating anymore.

07-20-2004, 11:06 AM
hehe someone posted a thread on the guinivere boards over at VN where he posted quotes from the Radar website/forum!

Been a few funny ones amongst em!

Try to find that thread later

07-20-2004, 11:09 AM
Jim from what I know its a memory hack or sorts.

07-20-2004, 11:14 AM
Linky (http://vnboards.ign.com/Guinevere_(RP)/b20664/72320951/p1)

Here's the promised link

Death Engineer
07-20-2004, 03:38 PM
LOL! That was some funny stuff.

Death Engineer
07-21-2004, 06:24 PM

The cheaters take advantage of the fact that the Client actually has information about enemy players that are past the clipping plane (or obscured from line of sight). There are programs that intercept the packets and interpret them in order to gain this information. They then use this info either on a separate machine or as an overlay on the same one to kill folks more efficiently.