View Full Version : darn cable!

07-20-2004, 05:08 PM
Was out in Caldey last night, trying to ding 41 and at 1am on the dot, my cable went out. I was in the middle of a battle as well, sorta in a populated area. Haven't logged on yet to see if I made it or not. Knowing my luck (was about .2 to ding on my necro) I died, or will die when I log back in. I was so pissed, could strangle mediacom. Anyone know how to send an estrangle? :mad:

07-20-2004, 05:16 PM
Yup, figures, my necro died, but my cleric lived :bawling: and it takes forever to get there too.

07-20-2004, 05:35 PM
Jeesh! To make it somewhat worse, trying to get my necro to my cleric, died. Rezzed myself, and on my way back out there, and a circuit breakers trips, insta LD, but atleast I wasn't fighting or anything.

Hope this isn't a sign of how it's going to be at work, evening though it's 90 degrees plus out :eek:

Death Engineer
07-20-2004, 05:50 PM
Hehe. So my hax0rs worked! :Evil Laugh:

<-- Jealous of those that play DAOC for a job.

07-20-2004, 06:52 PM
Here Grimster i'll sing that song off Heehaw for ya If I had no bad luck, i'd have no luck at all. Blues, despair and agony on me. :D

07-20-2004, 07:25 PM
Hands Sho another beer and puts him to bed :drink:

07-21-2004, 06:01 AM
[QUOTE=Sepra]Hands Sho another beer and puts him to bed [QUOTE]

Blah with the beer, get him a shot :devil:

OUTLAWS The Machine
07-21-2004, 05:44 PM
Sho is a root beer man!

07-21-2004, 06:08 PM
Sho is a root beer man!

Yeah buddy :thumbs:

07-21-2004, 06:08 PM
Sho is a root beer man!

Must have gotten a hold of some of that WOOT beer by accident :D