View Full Version : about sigs and changing sigs

07-21-2004, 06:18 PM
Just something I came across today, while trying to get a sig up for me and such. I added the code and such to enable my sig, previewed it, showed up, saved it. I went out on the forums and it was no where to be found in any of my posts. I thought weird as hell, it was there, now it's not. After scratching my head for an hour, and getting Sal to do the same, I replied to another post and there it was, in my new post, my sig was there! WOOT!

So I guess, I am assuming that if you change your sig, it won't change it in all of your old posts, it will change with the new posts that you make. Maybe someone can prove this right, by changing there sig, and seeing if there other posts change, or if they stay as they were before they changed it.

I can see it now, in 5 years from now, there will be a sig history thread. So and so's sig 5 years ago, and the present :P

Just food for thought and to let ya know if you change your sig, I am pretty sure that it's change from that point you changed it, your new sig will show up with the new posts that you make, but won't change in your post that you've already made.

07-21-2004, 06:55 PM
I could have told you that:babe: It's just like it was at Seriously forums...

07-21-2004, 06:58 PM
hint: there is a "show your signature" checkbox that must save it at time of posting...

and grimmox, you are a big whore for managing that fancy flash sig... :P

most everyone else has problems getting anything to work...

07-22-2004, 05:33 PM
hint: there is a "show your signature" checkbox that must save it at time of posting...

and grimmox, you are a big whore for managing that fancy flash sig... :P

most everyone else has problems getting anything to work...

When you are good, you are good MUAHAHAH

@Slice, where? What are those? Plus it's been so long ago, wonder if they have any daily posts there anymore. :p: