View Full Version : How do I copy to Pendragon Test Server

OUTLAWS The Machine
07-21-2004, 09:50 PM
Some noob made a bad link in the links thread. :rolleyes:

07-21-2004, 10:15 PM
Found the following in the herald knowledge base.

To do a character copy first log onto the server and character you want copied and equip the items you want to take with you. Only the items you have equipped will copy, not your full inventory. Now log off that character and server.

Next you must make a level one character on Pendragon and log that character in. Use a name you like, because the name is what the copy will be called forever - your "real" name will not copy. Then type the command /charcopy servername (server the character you want to copy is on) and the character's name.

Example: /charcopy Merlin Joe

This is what you would type if your chosen source was named Joe and residing on the Merlin server.

You should see a message 'sending request'.

Once you have seen the message, log off the character and do not play the character. It must be a level one for the charcopy to work and must be offline. You may play any other character on any server including Pendragon. It can take up to a week for the copy to work.

We reset the copier once each time we patch to the live server. We do not reset it when we patch Pendragon.

Open up your C:\Mythic\Camelot folder. Within that folder, you will find two similar icons: Camelot.exe and Camtest.exe. Running Camelot.exe allows you to login to the main servers. If you click on the Camtest.exe file, you will connect to a different login server that will then allow you to enter Pendragon. Once the program launches, proceed to login as normal. You may also right-click the Camtest.exe icon and make a shortcut to it on your desktop so that you may more easily re-enter the Pendragon test server in the future.

07-22-2004, 08:47 AM
A note to the equippment : Don't change it until your charactercopy is completed ;)

If you change your equippment while the copy is still in progress it might happen that u "arrive" there with different items equipped

OUTLAWS The Machine
07-23-2004, 12:19 PM
How long does it usually take? I sent request last night. And how do i respec once i get logged in?

07-23-2004, 12:21 PM
There are some df merchants in cammy at the fountain square - buy a stone there and proceed like on a live server.

Last copy of Saretta took 2 hours - u get an email when the copy is completed