View Full Version : lol @ the n00b (me)

Alexis SC430
07-22-2004, 03:16 AM
Okay, I know these answers can probably be found somewhere, but I am not sure where that somewhere is and Julia seems to have already lost the manual, so please help me.

1. On the Buddy List, do I have to put an asterix after {DS} or whatever or a single quote? I couldn't test last night since it seemed that no one from DS was on or I did it wrong both ways.

2. How do I use adrenaline? I remember when I played the Xbox version of UT2003 there were game-pad codes and stuff for use, but I have no clue what to do here on the comp.

3. I think there's an Unreal equivilant to Serious Damage (I can't remember); anyway, is it off limits like in Sam?

4. Is there a way to switch to third person view?

5. Can you take screenies after a match is over?

6. I seem to not be able to add more than one server to my favorites list without it erasing the one currently up. Why am I so stupid? Or, rather, what thing am I obviously doing wrong here 'cause I'm so stupid?


7. Who are some of the best big name players out there (including players that don't come to GM) so I can be on my guard against and beg for tips from? Are there any you guys know of? I played like four or five successive matches with some guy named "LordNicon" or something like that and he owned us ALL (10 to 12 + players) every match.

Thanks for the help. So far, it's been pretty unreal for me... I am still like all ---> :eek:

07-22-2004, 05:20 AM
i know less... nothing about ut2k4 but....
1) play some peeps, then try using partial tags* to see if it works
2) keyboard combos, like left left right right to activate
3) anything is fair game (except maybe the mega weapon thingy... :confused: )
4) no
5) f9 i think
6) shrugs
7) with 1000s of players playing (as compared to a couple dozen) the guy you played prolly sucks against anyone any good, like the gummis....

07-22-2004, 08:41 AM
Okay, I know these answers can probably be found somewhere, but I am not sure where that somewhere is and Julia seems to have already lost the manual, so please help me.

1. On the Buddy List, do I have to put an asterix after {DS} or whatever or a single quote? I couldn't test last night since it seemed that no one from DS was on or I did it wrong both ways.

2. How do I use adrenaline? I remember when I played the Xbox version of UT2003 there were game-pad codes and stuff for use, but I have no clue what to do here on the comp.

3. I think there's an Unreal equivilant to Serious Damage (I can't remember); anyway, is it off limits like in Sam?

4. Is there a way to switch to third person view?

5. Can you take screenies after a match is over?

6. I seem to not be able to add more than one server to my favorites list without is erasing the one currently up. Why am I so stupid? Or, rather, what thing am I obviously doing wrong here 'cause I'm so stupid?


7. Who are some of the best big name players out there (including players that don't come to GM) so I can be on my guard against and beg for tips from? Are there any you guys know of? I played like four or five successive matches with some guy named "LordNicon" or something like that and he owned us ALL (10 to 12 + players) every match.

Thanks for the help. So far, it's been pretty unreal for me... I am still like all ---> :eek:

1) If you want to track all the players of for example {DS} you put {DS}* in your buddy list (so the asterisk is the way to go) CF goes by )CF(*

2) Certain Key Combo's trigger the adrenaline, each with its specific usage and usefulness
Check this page for more info (click through to the Ut2k4 strategy guide)
Quick overview of the most common adrenaline combo's
-Speed Boost (gives you Talaria shoes-speed): tap 4 times Forward quickly
visual sign yellow booststripes coming from your shoes

-Booster (regeneration of health): tap 4 times Back in rapid succesion
visual sign green crosses evaporating around you (till the adrenaline has run down)

-Berserk: Forward, Forward, Back Back
visual sign orangered ellipses floating around the player (like an atom model)

-Invisibility: Right, Right, Left, Left
visual sign: isn't that obvious d'oh

Speed is very useful for CTF and BR

Booster and Berserk are very useful in (T)DM

3) Double Damage is used by all in Ut2k4 and many players time it (dunno how much time it takes though). When you grab the DD (looks like two purple spikes) it colours your weapon purple and the pup-effect lasts for 30 seconds (ticking clock in view)

4) in UT2k4 there is no third person view of your player model as in ssam. Only as an observer you see the players in third person. In ONS however you can switch between first and third person view when you are the driver of a vehicle, a tank e.g. (if I'm not mistaken you switch between the driver views with F4)

5) default key to take screenies in Ut2k4 is F9 (no I'm not kidding) if you want to take a screenie of the scores, toggle them first with F1 and hit F9 then or F3 first (for your personal stats). Usually you have some time after the match to take a screenie (the time it takes to vote for another map and the server to switch to it). An extra remark ONS games take several rounds (minimum two) to decide which team takes the victory...here the time between two rounds is shorter (5secs) but at the beginning of the next round the scores still stand...so you can still toggle them with F1 and take the F9 screenie.
Screenshots are saved in your screenshot folder as .bmp files

6) I sometimes have that problem too, that a favourite server I previously added doesn't seem to be on the list...dunno what causes it or how you solve it...but I do know you can have more than one favourite server on your list....maybe it are the added by hand ones that don't stay...the ones where I used the default add to favourites button do seem to stay

7) you can always sniff around at http://www.prounreal.com to find out who's good...I don't know enough yet about the UT world to know

I hope this helps, enjoy the game and cu in the servers coffee pusher

If any of the more experienced UT players finds a fault in my explanation feel free to correct me or to add further info

07-22-2004, 10:35 AM
Great Job Aries, just a small addition
#3...Double damage is used (and sometimes guarded) by all deathmatch players.
In team deathmatch the players time the 100 shield and the double damage so that someone is in the area to pick it up. The double damage is not nearly as powerful as serious damage in Sam.
Super weapons (redeamer, target painter) are sometimes frowned on (most servers leave them out on purpose) in Deathmatch and Team Deathmatch. In Onslaught they are an important part of the game and used a lot. Want to tick someone off? Shoot the redeamer down (or kill the shooter) before it gets to the target.

#4 You can switch to 3rd view (behind view)
Bring down your console ~ and type in behindview 1
behindview 0 will switch it back

07-22-2004, 11:42 AM
6. I seem to not be able to add more than one server to my favorites list without is erasing the one currently up. Why am I so stupid? Or, rather, what thing am I obviously doing wrong here 'cause I'm so stupid?

You aren't stupid, actually i had same type of problems with the favorites list. It's a bit bugged. When you first start the game and go to favorites don't click on the box where the servers list, instead click on the lower part of the screen and right click. Otherwise it selects the old server in your list and only gives option to overwrite it. You can unselect the selection by right clicking and refreshing the list, then just remember to click on the lower part of the screen. Another way of adding servers is directly from the server browser just right click and add to favorites. Yup , its annoying , hope this helps :)

07-22-2004, 11:45 AM
most of the top players don't play much in public servers. Look for tags NE| and |pure| for some of the better USA players. It's tough to say who is best because the community is huge, Smooth[Gummibear] would be able to throw out more names.

But what you want to do is time powerups, learn all the dodge/boost jumps,use your shield, get fast weapon switching down. When you start playing the top players, weapons stay is off, no adrenalin, and now, no amp, forced respawn.

Top GM players: {DS}MarX, {DS}Zell, {DS}Spawn,{DS} Goblink, anyone with [Gummibear] in their name, [SMS]Unfo. European GM players, most DWF UT players, Saints Lone Wolf, Pappa Doc. I may have missed a few.

Best sugestion is to hang out in the {DS} server when they have their games, and post you tags here so GM members can add you to their list. We'll find you :devil:

6: For adding servers to your favorites, best way is to join the server, then hit esc and click add to favorites.Then close the box and continue playing. To join a server when you already know the IP, go to buddy list, rt click the server box, choose open IP and type it in, copy paste works too.

07-22-2004, 01:18 PM
I just thought of something.

8) The use of filters: When you want to play online with a certain mutator, you can easily sort out the servers you need (the ones that are running hte mutator) with the filter option. Bottom left of your server list window there is a checkbox for standard servers only and a filters option. Uncheck the standard servers and go in Filters to choose or create the mutator of your choice...

This might sound a bit abstract, let me give an example...

Say you want to play InstaGib...No, In Ut2k4 you don't need to search the net for the dl of an obscure mod and install it seperately...you can simply accomplish that by creating a mutator. Go into your filters (as mentioned above) and create a new mutator/filter....type in Instagib...confirm and check the box for that mutator...now in the serverlist of your selected gametype (CTF, TDM, DM, BR, ONS) the servers will appear that run the mutator and you can immediately pick out the best suitable one for you (and you didn't have to search through the hundreds of servers first).

Instagib will also be referred to as IG and in the CTF playing type as iCTF

07-22-2004, 11:33 PM
add pure_evil to the list.

and yeh if u need any help or tips just pm me.
everyone pretty much took words out of my mouth.:D