View Full Version : Ogre Quest - we should kill that beast

Black Rose
07-22-2004, 08:04 AM
Last time we all got wiped and the quest is still left in our journal. :(

Maybe we can find a date to try it again?
But we will need all help to beat the final mob.

Personally I would love to delete that quest in my journal, which would be the best thing :cool: , but I think it is not possible.

So anyone up for the new tryout?

last tryout (http://www.gamemecca.net/forums/showthread.php?t=63135)

07-22-2004, 01:40 PM
I'd like to clear that quest and get rid on that globe sphere from my pouches.

OUTLAWS The Machine
07-22-2004, 01:41 PM
I'm game. but the power font nerf will make it even harder then before. :bawling:

Death Engineer
07-22-2004, 03:03 PM
Power Font Nerf? Do Tell.

OUTLAWS The Machine
07-22-2004, 03:29 PM
Power Font Nerf? Do Tell.
Happened a patch or 2 ago. In PvE you no longer rejen power while in combat. Power rejen does not start till 10 seconds after you are out of combat. Didn’t affect clerics too much since they are rarely in combat. But if a cleric gets hit by anything they won’t rejen power either for the next 10 seconds.

07-22-2004, 09:00 PM
I want to get that thing out of my journal once and for all. I've been looking at it since my scout was like lvl 46. I cant believe how difficult that quest was considering the amount of people we had.

I'm up for trying again. We'd need to ask as many OoD's to come and help though.

Death Engineer
07-22-2004, 09:46 PM
Happened a patch or 2 ago. In PvE you no longer rejen power while in combat. Power rejen does not start till 10 seconds after you are out of combat. Didn’t affect clerics too much since they are rarely in combat. But if a cleric gets hit by anything they won’t rejen power either for the next 10 seconds.

Wow. I totally missed that one. I guess it wouldn't affect us Clerics much. Oh well...back to the old power potions I suppose. :P

07-23-2004, 01:31 PM
Got this info from a link Rose posted in another thread LINK (http://koti.mbnet.fi/~cruzz/Krondon.htm)

Scurceol Hyrde
The second biggest cheese in Krondon and general astrology nutcase, Scurceol Hyrde relies on his 4 Lyft Miht balls to make him increasingly overpowered. While you could use various interesting and possibly more entertaining tactics like using siege equipment on the orbs on the pedestals, zerging generally works best as usual. The orbs can take some punishment, and while they do not attack you per se they will throw everyone attacking them up into the air occasionally and you'll get fall damage, which would pretty much amount to "being attacked" except it's not quite as dull. You should just zerg each orb at a time and then rush to Scurceol as fast as you can, making sure that everyone is alive at this point so they get the reward. With 6fg you should be able to kill Scurceol before any of the orbs repop, though 5fg can kill him relatively easy too.

There was some talk about who all would get credit, According to this the entire bg gets credit when Scurceol Hyrde dies.