View Full Version : Microsoft Optical Desktop Executive Edition

07-26-2004, 10:09 PM
My review:

Well to start off let me just say I was weary about switching to wireless because I thought there would be some kind of delay or lack of preciseness. I have to admit I was completely wrong. The Microsoft Wireless Optical Desktop Executive Edition exceeded my expectations for this combo wireless keyboard and mouse kit.

As I was driving home with my new hardware I happen to glimpse down at the box and read that it needed batteries. Well yeah duh it is wireless, so being a half a mile away from home I was hoping I had the batteries it takes because I didn’t want to have to drive back to town. Once I got home I opened the box and to my surprise, not only did it come with batteries but they were Energizer no less! (Normally the included batteries are some weird Japanese brand you’ve never heard of and are lighter than those balsa wood rubber band powered gliders that you bought at the convenient store as a kid.)

I took out all of the pieces and inserted the batteries in to the keyboard and the mouse. Upon first inspection of the keyboard I must say that it is probably one of the most durable, well constructed and nicely laid out keyboards that I have ever owned. I immediately loved the one piece built in padded wrist wrest as apposed to those flimsy ones that you have to snap in which end up snapping or popping off during intense gamming moments. The mouse was also just as impressive with its leather padded top grip and sleek and comfortable design.

On to the features! Let’s start out with the keyboard. It has your typical multimedia keyboard functions such as volume control, play, stop, forward, reverse, mute, pause and media player. It also has your typical quick buttons for My Documents, My Pictures, My Music, Mail, Web/Home, Messenger, Calculator, Log Off and Sleep. Those buttons are pretty standard on most keyboards and are generally located across the top of the keyboard. Two nice features which are not commonly found are the tilt scroll wheel and 5 my favorites extra buttons with a show favorites menu button.

The tilt scroll wheel enables you to scroll your screen in any environment vertically or horizontally directly from your keyboard. Just above the scroll wheel it has a Back and Forward button which function the same as the back and forward clickable buttons on your web browser. I can really see myself using this feature quite a bit while doing everyday stuff like checking emails, visiting forums and typing documents.

The 5 totally customizable favorite buttons are a nice added touch as I can rapidly load web sites, programs or just about anything with a standard file or html path to it. In case you forget which button loads what feature you programmed it to, there is a show favorites button which when depressed displays an on screen menu revealing what each one does. In that same menu you also have the option to change the button feature.

The mouse has a sophisticated but subtle look to it and is very comfortable. The mouse also has the tilt technology which allows you to scroll horizontal like the keyboard wheel. It has the standard left and right click buttons and 2 thumb buttons which are elevated up just enough above the thumb area as not to accidentally hit them. The scroll wheel I admit will take some getting use to as well as being wireless it is a bit heavier than a wired mouse but I have almost forgot what my wired mouse feels like now.

I picked up this combo at Office Depot on sale this week for $89. It also came with a $20 rebate which I wasn’t aware of until check out when the sales woman said, “wait it comes with a rebate”. That was an added bonus even though I feel that the combo is worth the $89, rebate or not. To anyone looking in to getting a new keyboard and mouse I highly recommend this combo and would give it a 9.5 out of 10.

07-26-2004, 10:30 PM
Nice deal

I have an older wired Microsoft Office keyboard and a Wireless Intellimouse Explorer. Very happy with both. Love the forward and backward buttons on the mouse.

The batteries on my mouse go very quickly. If I am playing a lot of Sam the batteries wear out after a few days. If I am not playing Sam they last a couple weeks. lol

I bought rechargeable batteries and always have about 8 ready to go. I also use a digital camera that eats batteries for lunch. :p:

Well worth the initial expense of buying rechargeable batteries/charger.

07-27-2004, 12:01 AM
ok, that's not really a review.
you had gotten one of those tilt wheel mice a long time ago but never commented.
some say that the tilting is too imprecise to assign functions to it.
do you see the same or different?
i also have found that mikeysoft keyboards have a problem with more
than 2 keys pressed at the same time, as they will drop the extra keystrokes.
like try going forward left and then jumping....

OUTLAWS high ping camper
07-27-2004, 12:09 AM
Thanks Slice.
Congrats on your purchase (cool that you got a rebate too).
I've thought about going wireless, but would like to hear more about their gaming capabilities.

07-27-2004, 12:47 AM
ok, that's not really a review.
you had gotten one of those tilt wheel mice a long time ago but never commented.
some say that the tilting is too imprecise to assign functions to it.
do you see the same or different?
i also have found that mikeysoft keyboards have a problem with more
than 2 keys pressed at the same time, as they will drop the extra keystrokes.
like try going forward left and then jumping....
If you are referring to this thread http://www.gamemecca.net/forums/showthread.php?t=21144 I never picked one up because I was waiting for a wireless combo such as this one. Never heard of the MS problems with keyboards that you speak of and have not had that problem with the half a dozen or so I own in the past. Ofcourse I have no idea what game you are refering to with that combination of key strokes you mention. The tilting works just fine for every day screen scrolling as I mentioned and I had no problems kicking your ass last night in Sam under an alias in which you bailed out half way through the game as usual. Is that review enough for you?

07-27-2004, 02:44 AM
heh heh heh, nice review, but i didn't play last night....
checking the screenshots, i think my last game was at 6:50 as zoomzoom....
but what the hell, i often do in crap games, if no other reason than to
annoy the other aliases who are ahead... :thumbs:

07-27-2004, 02:50 AM
I was always weary about changing to a wireless mouse, but when I switched last year to an MX700 mouse, it was one of the best hardware decisions I made. The refresh rate is actually higher with the wireless mouse than it is with a wired mouse. Tons of buttons, and in the year that I've had it, I've never changed the batteries or had it die on me in a gaming sessions. Definitely rate the MX700 A++.

Caged Anger
07-27-2004, 02:58 AM
I've heard that wireless mice and keyboards are prone to interference and lag, is that true?

07-27-2004, 03:03 AM
Never had either...and if it was possible to get inteference with the mouse, I would have gotten it by now as I have about a dozen electronic devices with 5 feet of it.

OUTLAWS high ping camper
07-27-2004, 03:16 AM
Thanks Sal, I'll have to pick one (MX700) up around Christmas time, thanks again for the feedback.

07-28-2004, 11:59 AM
I have to second that on the mx700 had mine for about a year now and never had a problem even with all the other wireless electronics nearby