View Full Version : Sepra quote from VN

07-26-2004, 10:26 PM
Ok, you guys are freakier than I thought....this really made me laugh!

lol my husband does that too.....I'll try to wake him up and he'll tell me Mids are inc or something like that. If one of us is bitching about something QQ is a common reply (omg we are offically dorks) :\ or when you 'con' sex "

Death Engineer
07-26-2004, 10:27 PM
I KNOW she wasn't quoting you Slash. Quoting Slash always makes your standing with the Wizard Legion go way down. :shifty:

07-26-2004, 10:28 PM
Ok, you guys are freakier than I thought....this really made me laugh!

"lol my husband does that too.....I'll try to wake him up and he'll tell me Mids are inc or something like that. If one of us is bitching about something QQ is a common reply (omg we are offically dorks) :\ or when you 'con' sex "

This is officially the funniest post of the Month!

Black Rose
07-27-2004, 05:57 AM
LMAO I really can imagine how Jag is saying that .. LOL :funny:

OUTLAWS Dixie Chick
07-27-2004, 06:05 AM
LOL! Too funny!

07-27-2004, 06:17 AM
:rofl: Con sex :D

07-27-2004, 01:51 PM
:funny: Thx for sharing Kevmeister

07-27-2004, 05:22 PM
she had a lot of good quotes...i liked this one

Date Posted: 7/26 9:01am Subject: RE: Beno Keep fight
What I cant believe is 'charge' being yelled in cg and OoD grp once again being the only one dead up in the lord room and the rest of the albs pussy footing in the doorway as always. /rolls eyes

07-27-2004, 07:17 PM
lol guys what is this your favorite 'Seprah post from VN' thread :p:

Death Engineer
07-27-2004, 09:06 PM
LoL. I have said it before and I'll say it again....VN is a complete waste of time. ;)

07-27-2004, 10:05 PM
lol it's a bunch of soap opera queens but it keeps me entertained :D

07-27-2004, 10:13 PM
You wanna see some mass QQ visit the Albion Fighter Boards and start laughing.

08-06-2004, 06:58 PM
LoL. I have said it before and I'll say it again....VN is a complete waste of time. ;)

OMG without VN I Would be so die of bordom at work.. or I would post 300 mesages a day here full of not ready for prime time nothingness...

Oh and give me private board access.. and MINE MINE MINE MINE MINE!!