View Full Version : 2 Serious Sam Errors

Seriously Deadly
07-28-2004, 03:44 AM
Error #1 :

When ever i play Serious Sam SE , my keyboard goes wierd , and it is always in shift mode and it wont let me type in letters , and when im typing messages and i make a mistake , hitting backspace removes the whole text. And then to fix the keyboard , i g2 restart the comp , this doesnt only affect ss :( it effects internet xplorer and every thing and wont let me enter messeges on MSN messenger bye pressing "ENTER " key or clicking on the send button , and it activates buttons i dont press , like my walk button

Error #2 :

When i want to change my controls , if i press any key besides my mouse button , it says a different key! i have tried reinstalling sam , and even after my whole O.S. got reinstalled (not just for sam) this error occured again :( and it still does.

Can anyone help?

07-28-2004, 08:29 AM
Have you got driver or special software running with your keyboard ?

rancid monkey
07-28-2004, 06:07 PM
do you have a damaged SS disc?

Seriously Deadly
07-28-2004, 06:59 PM
no and no

OUTLAWS 9.99repeating^32
07-28-2004, 08:05 PM
Maybe try using a different keyboard and/or re-installing your keyboard software.

Death Engineer
07-29-2004, 02:02 PM
Does this happen in windows applications too (such as wordpad) or is this strictly related to Serious Sam?