View Full Version : Can anyone help me with this stupid e-mail problem?

07-30-2004, 03:17 AM
For about 2 weeks, I have been getting a constant barrage of e-mail from an Account with the name "Godshands"...I know it contains a virus because my mail server always tells me that it found a virus in the attached file. I keep deleting it, and I know that I can just set outlook to delete the file upon reception, but I'm interested in finding out what I gave my e-mail to that resulted in this, so...has anyone ever been hit by this, or know anything about it? Where it's from, etc? I can't find anything online about it.

07-30-2004, 03:27 AM
For about 2 weeks, I have been getting a constant barrage of e-mail from an Account with the name "Godshands"...I know it contains a virus because my mail server always tells me that it found a virus in the attached file. I keep deleting it, and I know that I can just set outlook to delete the file upon reception, but I'm interested in finding out what I gave my e-mail to that resulted in this, so...has anyone ever been hit by this, or know anything about it? Where it's from, etc? I can't find anything online about it.
You can start by adding the sender to your blocked list.

07-30-2004, 03:40 AM
I realize that, but that doesn't give me much comfort...I'd like to know where it's coming from so I can attempt to maybe do something about it...

Caged Anger
07-30-2004, 01:54 PM
Tell you the truth, it could have come from anywhere you gave out your personal info. The company could have sold it. If you use instant messengers, i would suggest not making yourself available to be searched for in a public database. Then select not to be available for chats. Other than that, there's probably no way that you're going to get them to stop coming

Death Engineer
07-30-2004, 01:57 PM
Unless you closely guard your email address (in which case you would probably get no email), then it's going to be hard to track down who is sending you the viral messages.

Furthermore, it is likely that whoever is sending them to you is not the real problem. They were probably infected themselves and aren't aware that they are spamming all of their recent email address with viruses themselves.

Best thing to do is just to block the address (unless it's someone you know).

07-30-2004, 03:19 PM
i think it was that fake "sign up for free porn" website that you fell for...

now mr godshands has a vendetta out for all of you guys...