View Full Version : Only upload, no download.

08-01-2004, 03:37 PM

I have got an adsl modem followed by a router.
One pc and a laptop connected.

at this moment the pc cannot connect to the internet, but i see in the lanconnectionscreen that he is uploading, but the download is 0 bits.

the laptop is working ok on the internet. any suggestions.

PC is using XP home

08-01-2004, 04:16 PM
click on my network places then do the setup a home or small office network

if that doesn't help, right click on network places, properties, right click on local area connection, properties, and take a look at tcp/ip settings. you should probably be obtaining an ip and also dns addresses automatically

or you may want to specify a dns server

go to your laptop and open a dos box and type in ipconfig /all
it will have a couple of lines for dns servers. put the same in the tcp/ip box
of your other system....

08-01-2004, 07:15 PM
click on my network places then do the setup a home or small office network

if that doesn't help, right click on network places, properties, right click on local area connection, properties, and take a look at tcp/ip settings. you should probably be obtaining an ip and also dns addresses automatically

or you may want to specify a dns server

go to your laptop and open a dos box and type in ipconfig /all
it will have a couple of lines for dns servers. put the same in the tcp/ip box
of your other system....
Thx will try it tomorrow at work:thumbs:

08-02-2004, 05:53 PM
in the PC a strange IP number, compaired to the one in the laptop, couldn't change it yet. will work on it tomorrow probably some virus sh1t. :bawling: The start page of IE change to a a weird one.:confused: Must say my brother downloaded a lot of carbage on it.

08-03-2004, 03:49 PM
Finally found some trojans.

Edited the reg to much, compu hangs on the intro screen and couldnot switch off anymore.
now installing XP :bawling: :D

Death Engineer
08-03-2004, 05:04 PM
Sounds like a format is/was in order. On the upload thing, if you can get on the internet, then your upload is functionally fine. The program you were uploading with may have been using a port that was blocked by your router.

08-04-2004, 12:25 PM
Sounds like a format is/was in order. On the upload thing, if you can get on the internet, then your upload is functionally fine. The program you were uploading with may have been using a port that was blocked by your router.
The computer or some program was uploading by itself, changed the ip adres to the router.