View Full Version : doom 3

08-03-2004, 07:34 AM
Well i got my copy of doom 3 early sunday afternoon been playing off and on for the last 36 hours.
my first impressions.
great lightning smooth movement great story line .
kinda aliens vs preditor ai (except zombies )
why this game reminds me of avp is its so damn dark
which is kinda cool makes for some scary moments coming around corners
for the first couple hours i played on easy and well it was pretty boring
cranked it up and well thus cranked the res down .
pretty damn insane when you have 4 or 5 dudes throwing red skulls at ya
and no ammo
thank god for crouching it has saved me in this game a couple times
oh and for all the blood lovers that is blood 1 and 2 the choosen
they ripped them off big time..youll see hehe
so far so good having fun playing
i kinda like pk better as a fps
i found that it was way more inovative but then again
once i upgrade from a 2500 to a 3600 i should be able to get some more realistic frame rates on my 9800 pro
also 1 note
im going raid finally
i cant stand load times
after postal pk and now doom 3 i cant stand the 35 to 40 sec interlude while you wait for the game to launch
as for multi im waiting for some friends here in calgary to get it
a couple screens for ya ..


08-03-2004, 07:38 AM


08-03-2004, 07:41 AM
this one shows how dark this game is ..

anyways go get the game its only 54.99 in the states and 69.99 here in canada..


08-03-2004, 12:10 PM
Thanx for the screens mod.
I'll be playing this at my friends house on Thursday. =O

08-03-2004, 12:40 PM
ordered mine today...get it the 8th

08-03-2004, 12:53 PM
Single player is great IMHO. Dont like MP , no fun at all.

08-03-2004, 04:07 PM
i am soo gonna crap my pants when some creepy crawly thing come jumping at me out of the darkness and i dont expect it... :unsure:

08-03-2004, 06:49 PM
mine comes out tomarrow and i'm gonna go pick it up. i'm with yah on the crapin pants PJ Master. These games scare the sh1t outa me sometimes!

08-03-2004, 07:05 PM
I downloaded it a couple days ago. The SP looks good, but is short just like every other new game that comes out that just tries to show off its graphics. The MP is total trash. Unless some patches or good mods come out, it isn't gonna be worth a piss.

I was never excited about this game ANYWAYS. Now that I have it, Im glad I didn't spend $55 on it.

08-03-2004, 09:41 PM
']I downloaded it a couple days ago. The SP looks good, but is short just like every other new game that comes out that just tries to show off its graphics. The MP is total trash. Unless some patches or good mods come out, it isn't gonna be worth a piss.

I was never excited about this game ANYWAYS. Now that I have it, Im glad I didn't spend $55 on it.hmm.. l33t hax0r!

Too bad mp has to "suck." :(

C2H5OH Guy
08-03-2004, 10:43 PM
i got (downloaded) it yesterday and it runs on medium level (800x600 res) very smooth....

well I´ve a 3200+ 1gb ram and an old gf4 ti4200

i got so many positive impressions so far (well the darkness sux...but i think otherwise it would be unplayable) that im going to support ID software by gettin a original copy on 12th of august or whenever the german release is :)

08-04-2004, 02:24 AM
My rig probably won't play this game very well. The multiplayer sounds bad. I'll wait and maybe pick it up late fall.

Why do all the newer games have to be so darn dark. If the graphics are supposed to be so outstanding, why don't they show that off. That is one of the reasons I like Sam so much. I don't have to fiddle with any video settings and can just play. I can see everthing without turning the brightness way up.

08-04-2004, 03:00 AM
Its dark to set the mood. Honestly it wouldn't work any other way.

08-04-2004, 03:09 AM
this one shows how dark this game is ..

anyways go get the game its only 54.99 in the states and 69.99 here in canada..

Its a great game, My dad has a Gforce 5800, and it looks kinda real, alot better graphics than deus ex 2

08-04-2004, 12:52 PM
I don't want to be moody when i play i just wanna kill some zombies.
Also Deus Ex 2's graphics were not that good, FarCry is a better game to compare.
Ok i made my decision and i will not be buying doom 3 because i'm not about to pay 60$ for a game thats 6 discs long chock full of sp (which i won't be playing for long) and a weak mp (id should have spent some more time on this)
HL2 is a different story though.

08-04-2004, 01:05 PM
6 disks?! I don't know what Doom 3 you got mine and my friends was only 3 disks long.

08-04-2004, 01:10 PM
Damn ur right i forgot it is three discs long.
Oh well thats three discks too many.

08-04-2004, 03:08 PM
they didnt spend that much time making the MP cuz its a beast of a game and takes a helluva server to run and a helluva connection to play effectively...but for lans...your golden

08-04-2004, 06:53 PM
they didnt spend that much time making the MP cuz its a beast of a game and takes a helluva server to run and a helluva connection to play effectively...but for lans...your golden

Don't confuse servers with PC's, it's a lot easier to serve the game than to recieve it. Most good server companies will be able to host it.
Artofwar offers servers. Their lowest specs are:
* 2.4GHZ P4 Processor
* 512MB System Memory
* 80GB Hard Drive
* Windows 2003 Server

It's not neccessarily the hardware, but the backbone to the internet.

They charge $8 per player public, and $6 per player private. Once the game is out longer, Recon, UGS and many more will offer it up too. But those prices aren't steep.

08-04-2004, 07:13 PM
I just think that the makers of Q3, which is onne of the best MP games of all time, couldn't come up with some more flexible and less demanding options for mp.
But things can change, and i'm sure D3's mp plays better then PK's

08-04-2004, 07:44 PM
well this game is pretty cool i generally play it at night and its pretty freaky
some of the monsters are so well detailed it amazing
i found that sals linky to the beta ati drivers helped a lot
definatly game me 20 more frames per sec
i found one of the neatest things so far is when you get quad damage
everything turns red and you basically have to punch out zombies
very errie to say the least
one thing i will tell people look around and never leave a corner or room unchecked or youll be forever looking for ammo and health.
as for all the people whinning about multi all i can say is there is tons of moders waiting and well it will get done for 8 players
i can say this game is a must just like pk the inovations are truly over the top
and for all the multi has to work outta the box peeps you may have to wait till quake 4 comes out in a gaming store near u till then im going back to some dooming cheers.. BUY IT.


He Is Legend
08-04-2004, 07:57 PM

Buy this game

I love it already and im on the first level :D

And if you have a ATI radeon family card, go to sals post in pc gaming called "doom III tweaks"

08-05-2004, 01:00 AM
I love it already and im on the first level :D
Then shouldn't you be playing and not posting! :p:

I'm suprised at how many times the word "download" was said. . . :eek:

He Is Legend
08-05-2004, 01:45 AM
Then shouldn't you be playing and not posting! :p:

I'm suprised at how many times the word "download" was said. . . :eek:

Gotta love people that dont give a hoot about policy :]

08-05-2004, 01:48 AM
Alright the game is definitely worth buying just to have it.
Just think 20 years from now it will be a classic.

Caged Anger
08-05-2004, 02:17 AM
Just watched the latest trailer for Doom III. I'm drooling here. Even though I have no chance of ever being able to run this game, I gotta say that the storyline already hooked me. Can't wait to start seeing some screenies from all of you.

08-09-2004, 01:58 AM
Its pretty cool, but overall, Im thinking Far Cry is better.

Pro's -

The Story is seriously creepy, and although there are no twists, the one factor the story is all about is meticulously detailed.

Good Single Player, because Single Player gives a far more enjoyable experience than most multiplayer games, and it seems many have forgotten that.

Monsters, my god, so horrific. Cherubs (flying babies) scare the crap out of me, as do Maggots (2 headed Imps).

Con's -

The story. Its not as clever as people would like to think. Also, if you have seen the average sci fi-flick Event Horizon then thats pretty much identical.

Spawning enemies. Scary but cheap, spawning enemies behind you is -- Yoda.

Crappy engine. It looks sweet, but the pro's outweigh the cons. Only a few models on screen at once, only 4 player MP (I know people have gotten around this though) and the fact that ID proved it could do large outdoor areas then didnt use them in the game.

Poor weapon sounds, because none of them have the "oomph" you expect.