View Full Version : When does Doom 3 Need a Fast CPU

08-04-2004, 05:00 PM

i have yet to build mine and test it. by the time i get around to it, it will out of date:(

08-04-2004, 05:05 PM
Great Read!!! :thumbs:

08-04-2004, 05:19 PM
you know what amazes me? the fact that the athlon64 3000 is just a point or two lower then the p4 exterme chips. i don't know if any of you follow the market but the extreme chips are very very expensive. the athlon 64 3000 chip is under 200 bucks in box and the 3200 (which i think is better due to the 1 mb cache) is around 200-220. you can get a socket 754 board or 939 board for 130 dollars and less which makes an upgrade pretty sweet without breaking your wallet. at this point, there is no reason to purchase a system on the socket a platform unless you just need a quick budget system under 300 dollars. in fact, i still would not recommend a socket a board. those chips are good but at this point only to upgrade your current socket a board.

i will do a full review of the socket 939 board i picked up along with a64 3500 as soon as i get a chance. i will then have it pinned here for comparisons. i am not sure if i should just go out and buy a geforce 6 card but it kills me to spend that on a video card. we will see:rolleyes:

08-04-2004, 05:39 PM

good article....long and i didnt read it all but that was good stuff