View Full Version : Thid be rocking

08-06-2004, 08:20 AM
Thid is way more active since NF came out. If you get bored or can't find a grp in the frontiers, /level a toon to 20 and bring your butt to Thid. Peeps say it's now like the way old frontiers used to be. I know it's revived my interest in the game.

My necro has never seen PvE and has around 6.5 hours playtime on it, It's just shy of now lvl 24 and capped at 350rps already. Let's do the math 350/6.5=53.8 rps per hour. That doesn't sound like alot of rps, but at 1rp per kill, that's alot of buttkickin'. Thid toons are cheap to equip, you don't need no stinking artifacts or uber drops, and when your toon caps/levels out just delete it and reroll.

Sample of some stats on a slow session. 19 to 1 death to kills ratio, not to bad :D

08-06-2004, 09:46 AM
wow! Might have to roll me one.

Death Engineer
08-06-2004, 03:46 PM
Sweet. It's time to bring back the friar and the reaver. :)

08-06-2004, 04:27 PM
I finally rolled the reaver I've been wanting to do for months now last night and popped into Thid for a guild invite and ended up staying for a few hours. Lots of fun! The BG land layout is much cooler and it's like a mini version of big boy RvR.

BTW I absolutely love my reaver!! I was using the grey whip that the trainer gives you at level 1, no accessories on so all my stats were low and I was wearing the second hand shiat armor and most of the mids and hibs were red con and I was kill spamming left and right. I cant wait to see what she does when I get her all geared up!!! :wub: It felt so good to melee!!!! :devil:

Edit: I went in there a freshly rolled her before I went there and was just shy of ding'ing lvl 21. The xp lvling up is awesome.......no more mobs for me!!

08-06-2004, 04:31 PM
I love thid too ! :)

Only problem I see is sometimes when I log on there are like 40 albs. Someone spots one lonely hib or mid and 2 fg's of albs come runnin. I like to play in the off hours which is much more fun.

Oh ! And my wizzy capped 350 when i dinged 22 lol.

08-06-2004, 04:41 PM
I love thid too ! :)

Only problem I see is sometimes when I log on there are like 40 albs. Someone spots one lonely hib or mid and 2 fg's of albs come runnin. I like to play in the off hours which is much more fun.

Oh ! And my wizzy capped 350 when i dinged 22 lol.

ROFL welcome to the Albion realm. Very frustrating imo.....zerging the piss out of small numbers instead of breaking up running your single grp. It's the same out in the Frontiers. :confused: