View Full Version : Doom 3 Mod - Flares

08-08-2004, 08:28 AM
A mod (http://staff.seriouszone.com/rodzilla/doom3/) has been released that changes the grenades in Doom 3 into tossable flares. Really helpful for lighting up those dark hallways ahead. Full description follows:

Recently people have whined, moaned, and pissed all over themselves about the fact that iD could somehow have a game take place in the future yet you didn't have night vision. Or about the fact that you could hold 10 guns and hundreds of rounds of ammo all at once, but couldn't hold flashlights for each of those guns at the same time. So some mods were created that let you attach a flashlight to your guns.

While it's a good idea if you're a girly man who plays the game at noon with the lights on, there are better solutions to the "problem."

This is a simple mod that changes all of the grenades in the game into throwable flares. These flares light up the surrounding area (and the area they fly through before landing...a cool effect similar to that of the imp fireball's lighting) in a yellowish red glow for a short period of time, allowing you to see better in those areas.

08-08-2004, 03:29 PM
cool, thanks ROD.