View Full Version : Great Review at VN

Black Rose
08-10-2004, 10:43 AM
IMO a great review and very well written article at VN boards:
original linky : Linky (http://vnboards.ign.com/Igraine/b20933/73578725/?3)

Reasons why Mids Lost their STR Relics - An Alb Perspective

Due to a recent turn of events on this server, and after reading a myriad of posts on this board, I feel compelled to present a perspective on why the Mids lost the relics.


The Mids were the first on this server to capture a relic and have managed to hold all three strength relics until recently, whereby they lost all 3 relics in a single day, the albs taking theirs back, the hibs grabbing theirs and the subsequent return of the albs to take the Hammer for smithing purposes.

1. Contrary to the misguided beliefs of certain individuals, the reason for the Mids holding the Str relics for so long is not due to their OOBER skills in RVR or realm defense or overall *SKILLZ* in playing their toons. It is due to the fact that most of the Albs did not want them as defending 2 RKs will be a major headache, Albs are satisfied with all 3 power relics and being able to defend one RK is much better than having a headache on defending 2 RKs. Mids ownership of the STR relics was tolerated, as they needed something to satisfy their pride as well as to encourage the existing player base not to quit the game and play on with the 20% bonuses. Hibs didn't require any help - they are an even match for the Albs, but they chose to concentrate on PvE rather than RvR, so, the few people that came out to the frontiers on a regular basis got wiped repeatedly because their realm-mates did not support their RvR actions.

2. However, the repeatedly blatant X-Teaming 2 weeks ago over a period of a few days cumulating to a all out raid on a Sunday morning broke the peace and balance on this server. The Mids made the first move and engaged the Albs in the North, taking Beno and overall making a pest of themselves and bogging down the Albs that were trying to capture the keep and towers. This resulted in the Hibs having a free rein and wild time in the south, capturing Sursbrooke (Breaking Port), Boldiam, Renaris and Hurbury. Eras was spared because it was bugged (Alb keeps are always bugged btw). At that time, there was abt only 2-3 fg of albs holding off both the Mids to the north and Hibs advancing in the south ( who made a few attempts at capturing Berkstead too). Albs had to repeatedly beat off the Hibs and Mids at Berkstead and there was one time where I thought all was lost when door 2 was down to 30% and Albs were held /pushed outside the main keep. But a timely charge gained the defenders enough time to beat back the invaders and Berks was saved. The front doors were hurriedly repaired and a few other attacks were beaten back. At that point, abt 3 fg of Albs were the only ones standing in Berkstead, the last line of defense against an open relic MF. Things looked pretty dire- Mids and Hibs both had open portals into Alb, Albs were 5 keeps down. Only 3fg of defenders against 2 realms. Albs couldnt even send any groups out to retake towers or keeps.

3. Anyway, at this point, more Albs started to log in - in anticipation of an ML raid. The turnout was pretty good. But due to the trouble in the frontier, the ML raid was cancelled. YES! This led to a whole LOAD of very ANGRY ALBS, who wanted to do PVE but was denied the chance because of Mids and Hibs. You can guess what happened next. An angry horde is not to be trifled with. The horde grew to 100++ and promptly zerged everyone out of the Alb Frontier.

4. When you stir up some fire in Alb's backyard, please don't cry about the zerg. You know you got it coming when you take 5 keeps and siege the last 2. Even the most Die-hard PvEr will drop his stuff and come out to defend his 20% relic bonus. When you get a build up of that size, get prepared to be washed away. Play with Fire, Pay the price.

5. With the trouble in the frontier cleared, and PvE albs have spent their whole Sunday doing RvR when they wanted PvE and complete their MLs, you know you have trouble brewing in the wind. Mids being the instigators of the perceived X-Teaming and overall fire-starters had to be taught a lesson. It seems that having all 3 relics and keeping them for an extended period of time have made them BOLD and haughty, with the audacity to challenge the Albs and break the relic balance on this server. It was decided by consensus that the Mids have to be taught a lesson, and the relics in their possession must be removed to ensure that Alb frontier will not be subjected to the punishment it has received that day in the future and to gaurantee peaceful PvE and preplanned ML raids. Albs do not take kindly to Hibbies and Middies running wildly through the Alb frontier with their flutes, drums, lutes and then starting fires left and right before prancing and skipping along happily. We very much prefer that they stay in their homelands, hug some trees, eat some mushrooms, drink some beer and impregnant their women in an attempt to raise their population figures.

6. Hence, the Albs set out to take the STR relics, since the Mids broke the peace and rocked the boat. The Albs were beaten back many times in their attempts to capture the relic due to smart play by the defending Mids. But Albs lost the battles, not the War. After retrieving the Alb Str relic and seeing the Hibs take back theirs, it was due to tiredness, compassion and love for the server tat the remaining Albs did not want to go back for the Mid relic, even though the MF was still open.

7. Anyway, as time passed, another force of Albs gathered sufficient numbers of 20 ppl to make an attempt for the Mid Relic with the mentality- Hey! since its there, we should help ourselves to it!. At that time, there were more than sufficient Mid defenders. Mids were busy trying to retake Hlid and the spam was 31 ppl while albs had only 20 who were headed towards the RK. It was commented in the /cg to be prepared to see Mids suicide to defend the RK. However, Mids did not suicide even when Albs were on the RK and chose to concentrate on capturing Hlid. That tactical error cost the Mids their strength relic.

Those are the events that led to the Mids losing their *precioussssssss* and current Alb domination of the server.

Death Engineer
08-10-2004, 02:32 PM
That was a good read. I'm sure the mids will have a different version though. :)