View Full Version : OMG Copi is on the forum

Black Rose
08-11-2004, 09:21 AM
Hi Copi http://www.mysmilie.de/smilies/lieb/3/img/004.gif

how are you, please please come back, we miss you so much http://www.mysmilie.de/smilies/lieb/img/009.gif

Couldnīt sent a pm to you so I started this topic :wub:

08-11-2004, 06:27 PM
Hiya all :)

Yep I have been lurking here and vn keeping an eye on ya all. Makes me so proud to see ood still on top and kicking tail, just wish I could be a fly on the wall watching rose flexing her high rr muscles. Miss ya all and want to play everyday, but that is part of the reason I had to take a break. I had alot of stuff I wanted to do this summer and knew my daoc addiction would keep from even starting the projects, its too easy to say 'I'll start tomarrow, today I'll do some daoc' :)
I've got more done on my house in the last month then I have in the last year and have a nice tan. The flower beds are pwtfwning, a new back deck with space for a jacuzzii (come on over-time) and the shop is spotless with a new tablesaw. Miss ya all terrible, but need some more rl time. Thats the reason I had to delete. no self control, I would have just been back a week later. No worries I don't sweat leveling and toa, its actually fun developing new characters. I'm sure most of the core people here have several 50's, I had more then I would ever want to admit to lol.
Anyway I'll be back for catacombs or tomarrow if ood decides to do a server/realm switch.

Copiouse aka jake /wave

PS, Great to see Ducky is back, Hope all is well on your end.

08-11-2004, 08:37 PM
Wow that's awesome to hear!!! We miss you so much Copi but I can totally relate. /cheer to you and your decision and I cant wait to see you when the new expansion comes out. Feel free to say hello when your lurking cuz ur still <3'd here ;) :D

08-11-2004, 08:46 PM
Nice to see u around /wave :)

08-12-2004, 01:30 AM
/Salute your summer work ethic!

Cya when you come back.

08-12-2004, 07:47 AM
Glad to see ya here Copi!! If ya can't be in game, well IMO this is the next best thing to keep up on what's happening! As for RL aggro, I hear ya bud! I lost touch with the game, just becuase I think my sorc sucks, and well PvE with my necro and cleric is ubar boring, I chose other RL things to take my time. Have regret that, and have since so started to get back into the game, other point of views. RL comes first, gaming second. The support for RL trouble is here, and for me I am thankfull!! /muahahah, group hug for those that gave support! Will always be here for ya!

BTW, how you liking that body sorc?? I have been thinking about it a little bit. Please voice your pros and cons about it. I am curious!!!!!

08-12-2004, 03:34 PM
Hey Copi! Yeah, I'm back and doing good. I miss you though. Hurry and get your RL stuff done so you can come play with us.