View Full Version : Just a question to guild leaders

08-11-2004, 11:31 PM
If we were to move to another "underdog" realm and server, any idea which it would be? I had heard mention from oz on vn that if wordna would switch servers we would all go with him, implying that there had been some discussion on it somewhere. Incase I am out of the loop I'de like to have some idea as to the state of ood igrain, I'de hate to throw /Played time at a server that we are /tapping the corners of our mouth with a napkin, from. LOL

Copiouse, aka jake

Death Engineer
08-11-2004, 11:56 PM
If we were to move to another "underdog" realm and server, any idea which it would be? I had heard mention from oz on vn that if wordna would switch servers we would all go with him, implying that there had been some discussion on it somewhere. Incase I am out of the loop I'de like to have some idea as to the state of ood igrain, I'de hate to throw /Played time at a server that we are /tapping the corners of our mouth with a napkin, from. LOL

Copiouse, aka jake

There was a discussion in the Private forums about moving the guild to MLF. However, the concensus seems to be that a complete guild move will happen at the moment. Individuals are free to make that choice for themselves though.

08-12-2004, 12:28 AM
Righteo Capt, Just lemme know if that changes. Wanna be at the right place at the right time.


08-12-2004, 01:16 AM
Copi, basically squirllie/pixxie (the dad) is/was a rr7 druid there. He has offered to PL us all quickly with his set of toons. I'd be willing to give this a go at some point. However, for me personally (Albion Zerg Leader), I need to get to RR10 first. Baseline stun would be fun.

OUTLAWS The Machine
08-12-2004, 04:29 AM
i have made a couple toons on Tristan and have been playing some Hib casters the last few days. Pretty fun so far. I got some money transfered today so I can get out of my free crap. THid is rockin over there. usually 30 or so hibs with about that many albs and mids. Spike and Laurelle have a toon over there as well.

And Base line stun is quite fun. :)

Black Rose
08-12-2004, 05:50 AM
I would give it a try playing an enchanter in hibland. Looks like fun :wave:

08-12-2004, 06:48 AM
I'm Hib on Palo and Mid on Bedevere for some time now. I have no intention to leave those two servers at the moment since I already have put way to much work into those toons there.

08-12-2004, 06:51 AM
I would give it a try but i fear with my kinda off playtimes i would pretty fast fall behind levelwise and stuff! That's the main reason that makes it hard for me to "give up" the stuff on igraine

08-12-2004, 07:42 AM
I would give it a try but i fear with my kinda off playtimes i would pretty fast fall behind levelwise and stuff! That's the main reason that makes it hard for me to "give up" the stuff on igraine
you and me both bro! I got a second account, and I was thinking of rolling a different realm, same server, just to keep things active and a going for me. The small amount of time that I do play online in DOAC, I really thought about it, but playing 2 toons at once to try to hit 50 was way easier then going solo. Now, I wish that Ood was mid, just to prove the bond that we have, the dedication, in all how a guild pulls together and becomes sucessfull. Not that OoD isn't sucessfull, heck I think at many a times we are leading, by the few times I been out in NF and others just stick the OoD groups and a zerg forms. Yes, I'd say we started in a realm that had few numbers, and with the growth of OoD, well like I said, guild stuff is tight, and it means stuff then just a guild name, with the TS chats going on.

IMO I always like being the underdog. At the time, when OoD was born, I think it was true, with what it was started with and the connections, well it just grew beyond founders expectations of intention, and that well I know I am grateful!!!! If I could have predicted the future, I, myself, would have wished that we, OoD, would have picked a different realm, just to show off more the dedication of the members of OoD. Reason I say this only is because I have heard lots of chat lately that NF is dead, and reading few posts on VN about the population problem, that's was causing the havoc.

I am happy where OoD stands, and greatly proud to be a part of something that started out with one person (Term, you bastard, and you owe me a gamepad :p: j/k) but grew to bring people within one clan (fps clan to start with) to bring others that I used to game against in other fps games, to being on the same side, fighting for the same thing, but yet to have a diversaty, to join sides, fight for the same purpose, in unity!

Ok I will shut up. I love OoD! What we were when started, what we grown to. Yes the population is in our favor, and I wished that it wasn't, think we'd have more fun, but that is IMO. However, I think it would be kewl to start another guild on another server, and underpopulated one, just to see how the friendship, the tightness of OoD makes a difference! I am game to start a new toon on another server! Something different is good, not a change, an adjustment from the main path, IMO would be a good thing.

Yes I blab, I am going to shut up now :) OoD for life! where it takes you, is a community thing and you all have a part in it! :thumbs:

Cheap Bastard2
08-13-2004, 02:36 AM
What? and leave my beloved Maxzeus and all that work!! Must be hib will never roll a damn Mid. This time I would be a caster. Can I have access to the private forums.

Cheap Bastard2
08-13-2004, 02:59 AM
Which is better mentalist or eldtrich

08-14-2004, 03:14 AM
Copi and Cheap should have access to the private forums now

08-21-2004, 12:56 PM
Light eld or Light ment is what you would wanna be.

Light eld : Near sight, Mez, Heavy single target DD, and debuff dex/qui.

Light ment: Charm pets (like minstrel but not as uber) Single target dd. AE dd.

Overall id say the eld would be a better class, you could spec him mana and get alot of nifty tools also. Void is kinda a dull line for Elds though :(

Ments are good for farming, and in rvr do the same thing like most other casters, baseline stun dd dd dd dd till the taregts dead :D Atleast on the eld you can mez/nearsight to.

Black Rose
08-21-2004, 03:39 PM
wow Blus that sounds great :) I started an enchanter, but I think after reading your post I will start an eld also. This sounds like a fun char to play.
But my first love is and will always be my sorc :wub:

Oh and welcome here Blus :wub: nice to see you on our forums.

08-21-2004, 04:06 PM
My hibblet on MLF will be on hold for now. I'm really glad relic hands have changed and look forward to relics in keeps soon. I'm gonna hold off on the server change and see how things go here on Igraine. I know I'm getting really aggrivated alot of times with the way things are but we'll see......

BTW welcome to OoD forum Blus :wave:

"Zergtapper upcoming reaver alb igraine!" rofl...dont do it! Dont succumb to the darkside of Wordnazergmania!

08-21-2004, 04:13 PM
its to late my reaver is now 37.5! I am here for good :D Gave my hib account to an old guildie and I think hes using my druid as a bot :(

If ya have any hib related questions id be willing to answer, or if ya wanna talk /send zergtapper :( I am a bored reaver trying to lvl up!

Thank you for the welcomes also, I'm loving it here and having loads of fun!

08-21-2004, 04:41 PM
Cool :thumbs: Send a tell to my sorc if you need anything.