View Full Version : Doom3 Poll

08-16-2004, 05:42 PM
Pick if you have played it

08-16-2004, 07:04 PM
no vote for me here because I would vote:

Itīs a great game but I canīt play it online because the internet-connection is too slow :(

08-16-2004, 07:20 PM
I'm very disappointed.

08-16-2004, 07:25 PM
I enjoyed it but now I'm ready for the next game.

08-16-2004, 07:35 PM
Doom 3 was nice, HL2 will be nicer.

08-16-2004, 07:36 PM
amazing how expectations were so high for this game and it is somewhat of an expensive letdown. I hope HL2 is better. At least from the previews the environments should be more interactive as compared to just button mashing. Still though I look forward to new games using the Doom3 engine. Just I think they blew it with this one.

08-16-2004, 07:40 PM
Well, I was a Doom 1 nut. I made levels all day, every day. I knew how tall the Doom guy was, how wide, how big of a step he could go up, the HP of all of the monsters, etc.

Doom 3 has none of the coolness factor. It's a bland game with crappy music, crappy weapons, crappy sounds, crappy colors, and what looks like zero replay value.

08-16-2004, 07:43 PM
Too dark...

08-16-2004, 08:01 PM
i think the main reason people dont like it is they hyped they game themselves, made up stuff in their head that id Soft never intended to do. WAY too much nitpicking as well. I've seen some people bitch that you cant prone, lean, you have no nightvision goggles (its not ****ing splinter cell douchebag), too dark (well if your a pussy then heres your command r_gamma 2), bad AI (its certainly nothing revolutionary, but wtf do you expect demons from hell to do? call in reinforcements, form perimeters and flank you?), and the 4 player multiplayer bitching.

First they already stated that multiplayer would be minimal, if it all present in the final game (was originally gonna have none). Plus I bet if they set the aritificial limit at 16 players instead of four, there would be NONSTOP BITCHING about the lag, because most servers wouldnt be able to handle that load. Seriously games like Counter-Strike and battlefield and halo have totally ****ing ruined FPS. There are so many ******s complaining about stuff that dont have vehicles, 39408509345 players on one server, realistic crap. Man good times where when deathmatch reigned supreme so we didnt have to deal with this gimmicky retarded crap.

Some people expected this to redefine FPS. I dont where they got this notion, but all Doom3 set out to be was a retelling of doom1, which it succeeded in doing very well. People are disappointed because they made up expectations that are impossible to meet and/or made up features that the game never inteded to have in the first place.


Mad Fox
08-16-2004, 08:06 PM
My poor old system cant really handle the game

08-16-2004, 08:21 PM
Well i think CS and bf revolutionized fps games because of the fact that both added something different to the genre, CS with its team based tactics instead of the usual run and gun, and bf with its war simulation and vehicles.
I think that CS:Source will be pretty kickass, people that own CS:CZ, or Have the HL2 voucher that came with the ati radeon cards will be able to beta test via Steam.
Only one map is avail but it sounds like fun.

08-16-2004, 09:29 PM
i think the main reason people dont like it is they hyped they game themselves, made up stuff in their head that id Soft never intended to do. WAY too much nitpicking as well. I've seen some people bitch that you cant prone, lean, you have no nightvision goggles (its not ****ing splinter cell douchebag), too dark (well if your a pussy then heres your command r_gamma 2), bad AI (its certainly nothing revolutionary, but wtf do you expect demons from hell to do? call in reinforcements, form perimeters and flank you?), and the 4 player multiplayer bitching.

First they already stated that multiplayer would be minimal, if it all present in the final game (was originally gonna have none). Plus I bet if they set the aritificial limit at 16 players instead of four, there would be NONSTOP BITCHING about the lag, because most servers wouldnt be able to handle that load. Seriously games like Counter-Strike and battlefield and halo have totally ****ing ruined FPS. There are so many ******s complaining about stuff that dont have vehicles, 39408509345 players on one server, realistic crap. Man good times where when deathmatch reigned supreme so we didnt have to deal with this gimmicky retarded crap.

Some people expected this to redefine FPS. I dont where they got this notion, but all Doom3 set out to be was a retelling of doom1, which it succeeded in doing very well. People are disappointed because they made up expectations that are impossible to meet and/or made up features that the game never inteded to have in the first place.

i believe some parents now a days (more so than before) just arent setting a good example, at all. hehe... Just an observation!

I kid!

08-16-2004, 09:30 PM
Don't hold back Slik, let us know what you really feel... :hmmm:

08-16-2004, 09:33 PM
i feel like kissing a man =O

08-16-2004, 09:44 PM
Well, the game graphics are great and the game is one level above all other fps because of the the dark atmosphere, id created yet again an original game, but if AI of the monsters are that low, why I need to search for doors all the time like it's a complicated game? I want the keys and doors easier to find and the the complicated stuff through the monsters, there is no point to make you a hard time finding doors and keys and make monsters with low AI.

08-16-2004, 10:04 PM
damn right Slik :thumbs:

08-16-2004, 10:06 PM
Well, the game graphics are great and the game is one level above all other fps because of the the dark atmosphere, id created yet again an original game, but if AI of the monsters are that low, why I need to search for doors all the time like it's a complicated game? I want the keys and doors easier to find and the the complicated stuff through the monsters, there is no point to make you a hard time finding doors and keys and make monsters with low AI.

That's why u save the frustration and use cheats.
Works like a real charm man and it makes you keep playing the game :thumbs:

08-16-2004, 10:54 PM
lol the cheats are pretty easy too
just typing god in console turns on GOD mode

C2H5OH Guy
08-16-2004, 11:43 PM
lol the cheats are pretty easy too
just typing god in console turns on GOD mode
lol yea like on most other FPS

ow and im still experimenting with the doom 3 MP...
at the moment its even with my 2mbit adsl too laggy (i guess cuz of my old geforce 4 ti4200) :(

but Iīll start kickin arse when i get my 6800GT ;)

08-17-2004, 06:51 PM
That's why u save the frustration and use cheats.
Works like a real charm man and it makes you keep playing the game :thumbs:Bah cheats suck, I like to beat games without using any. The only time I use them is for messin around with the game and stuff. I really think this was an alright game actually, I like it that it is dark a lot of the time, adds more tension and makes it more challenging. The graphics were actually pretty good, and I like it how you have to search around for pda's, cards, and crap. Games that are too easy suck.

08-19-2004, 03:51 AM
Thank you Slik! You said it! I personally have a blast having the monsters in the dark - it's fun as heck when they jump out from behind something and scare the crap outta me! Those frickin' spiders - they scare me every frickin' time, crawlin' out of the cracks, those stupid little things. Wouldn't work at all if it was well lit.

08-19-2004, 04:34 AM
I'd be a liar if I said I was 100% satistfied with the final product and I think it was the best thing in the world. But I'd also be a liar if I said I hated it and it was too dark and blah blah blah. I actually kinda liked that fact that you COULDN'T hold your gun and have your flashlight on at the same time I thought that added to the preasure. I always just wated for the monsters to shoot something and that would illuminate the room usally. Anyway I played it, thought it was alright few dissapointments here and there (cyberdemon fight mainly) but I'm still playing it over again. So I played it, enjoyed it, and am going on the next game.

It was fun.......but it was no Doom II. Now THERES a game.

08-19-2004, 06:43 AM
I had a friend that bought it, and him and another friend have played it and they said that you play one level, you played the rest. Different mobs, pretty much same maps, wash, rinse, repeat. He didn't talk too highly of the game. So I guess I will just wait for it in the cheap $20 grab bin.

08-21-2004, 11:01 PM
Great feedback. Sounds like I should save the money and wait for the price to drop.