View Full Version : Need Storage Server for New Game

08-18-2004, 03:51 AM
Ive been workin on a game, and thought it out to be StarHex, its a basic 3d game in a large open area, where you can free fly, and, or attack others, you can equipt a various ammount of weapons, but I need someone to find a storage server for online play, cause this game is thought out online game, but I have the list of what it has to offer:

Blaster Lasers(Twin burst of hot beams to burn your enemy from the air)
Hell Cluster Rockets(Rocket that splits into 3, and goes drunk)
Nanite Cannon(Slow fire, but deadly, it turns wherever it hits into cinder)
Heavy Fusor Ray(Hyper blast of red neon beams that lightly do dmage each hit)
Particle Laser(Fast, strong, but runs your ammo out, the red lasers you dont like)
More to come up

Sparrow Assault Jet(Fast, but mounts only light weapons)
GigaFormer Dropship(Heavy armor, carries loads of bombs, cant fit any weapon on it)
Demon Glaze Titanic(Huge, slow, and dangerous, but weak in armour)
Demon Glaze Carrier(Like the Titanic, it has stronger armour, and is slow, but 5 mini photon jets come out, and fly around it, as the carrier has 8 photon batteries ready for a MegaSyrus Nexus)
MegaSyrus Nexus(Customizable ship)
OmegeSyrus Nexus(Like the MegaSyrus, this OmegaSyrus has a much better customizable area, where it fits almost anything, but costs loads and loads of money)
Hell Siege Titan Jet(Fast, strong, but one hit on these with a sparrow, they die)
NavCon Jet System(Various fast, and powerful jets from the NavCon, thats where the game starts)
Comin with more to offer too

Game Saves
Friend List
Private Msges
Ignore Users
No Gay Overwhelming Stuff(Like a OmegaSyrus Nexus that goes fast as can be with the most armour, and weapons)
More to offer

Where Ive already have some of this done, but I nees a place to let be a online server, and make account systems, if anyone knows a way I can do this, plz reply here...

BTW, Im programmin the game from DarkBASIC Pro (www.darkbasic.com)