View Full Version : I don't want to say it...

Death Engineer
08-18-2004, 05:02 PM
I don't want to say it.... but I will. I told ya so on the relics. Whenever we have had 6 in the past, within 2 weeks we lose all of them. Last time it took more than 4 months to get any of them back. I doubt it will take that long this time, but I still think it was a mistake to try and hold more than 4.

At the same time, it was fun having all 6 and I expect the albs to one day hold all 6 of them once again. I've spent more time in the frontier over the past few days and plan to revitalize my cleric. Duck and I are going to research a new template including a few arties.

This of course will be put on hold after the delivery of baby DE, but I'm sure I'll be back before too long. See you folks on the battlefield. :)

08-18-2004, 05:18 PM
I didn't know what was going on when I logged my cleric and necro in. Left them in PoC and was just going to run to Bold to port back to CS, come to find out we didn't own it. Had to cide in the water :)

As for the relics, it was nice to have them, but for a while I wouldn't care about em. Let them have it, get big headed (well they already are) and just plan something for like a month or so later to take ours back. They whine about zerg, but I think they are overpowered by far, that's why they don't need numbers.

/wave relics