View Full Version : Hi every one!

08-21-2004, 08:47 AM
hi every one i am hoping to join the villains jr and i know quite a few of the villains members, and i have been playind sam forabout 3years and have been getting better and better over the time i have been playing.

from Gavin.T :)

08-21-2004, 10:47 AM
Good! Keep posting in the forums and let us get to know you and we shall see. And of course play Sam too.

08-21-2004, 11:08 AM
hi loket

tnx and i will keep posting through villains picard has made a private message about me because i ve met picard and i am a freind of jr villains rebbecca and i also now villains huggy and i have met them all and i would like 2 be a jr member because im 12 years old.

from Gavin.t :thumbs:

08-21-2004, 11:37 AM
hi john ive been tlkin 2 a few people so they can get 2 now me and kev sent a private message saying that i want 2 join so i think i just might get in i dont now!

from Gavin.T :)

The Shotty Kid
08-21-2004, 11:39 AM
hi gavin:wave: :wave: :wave: :wave:

08-21-2004, 11:43 AM
Hi Gavin T, Welcome to our forums! :wave:

08-21-2004, 11:56 AM
thank you all 4 being nice 2 me lol and just 2 say im looking 4ward 2 joining the villains [if i am excepted]

from Gavin.T :thumbs:

08-21-2004, 12:02 PM
Hi Gvn nice to c u in here:D

08-21-2004, 01:48 PM
Hi Gavin, welcome to Villains forums. :wave: Look forward to seeing you in Sam. And of course, looking forward to seeing you wear the jr(Villains) tag. :thumbs:

08-21-2004, 03:38 PM
Welcome Gav, Keep playin and have fun m8...you certainly got the PC for sam

08-22-2004, 07:27 AM
Always nice to hear from someone who is a little younger than me.

Jr(Villains) is a cool team.

I think i will try to beat them someday.

rancid monkey
08-22-2004, 09:11 AM
Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiddddddddeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee eeehhhhhhhhhoooooooo!!! :wave:
I like the sound of you! (i dont know why :confused: )

08-22-2004, 10:09 AM
Thanku all :thumbs:

From Gavin.T

08-22-2004, 01:00 PM
Hello gavin, keep posting here and get to know us more. I have never seen you before playing ssam.

08-22-2004, 03:06 PM
Always nice to hear from someone who is a little younger than me.

Jr(Villains) is a cool team.

I think i will try to beat them someday.I think the entire Villains Clan is younger than you BOA :D

Ohhhh i'm so cheeky...naughty boy:p:

Die Hard
08-22-2004, 06:33 PM
Hi Gavin. Who else knows you????

08-22-2004, 07:08 PM
I think I may have seen Gavin once or twice before in the game. He is a good person.

08-22-2004, 10:26 PM
Hi Gavin. Who else knows you????

He is a friend of my family, he is best m8's with rebbecca and Hugs knows him...he is ok and an honest lad...he listens to what we have to say and is learning very quickly... I built him a computer..just to play Sam !!!!!:D

08-22-2004, 10:27 PM
where the hell has my sig gone?

08-23-2004, 01:46 AM
Yeah what have you done with your sig Picard? :S

08-23-2004, 05:34 AM
where the hell has my sig gone?

The answer my friend is blowin in the wind.

Bob Dylan i believe.

08-23-2004, 08:04 AM
I thought it was swinging in the wind :-)