View Full Version : Stomache Flu

08-22-2004, 12:43 AM
ARGH! Again.. This is the third time I've had the stomache flu this year alone.. I can't take it.. Is there some sort of medicine for it or something to prevent it? I honestly felt like I was going to die this morning..

I can't get this again. I've felt really sick for over 12 hours already. :bawling:

08-22-2004, 01:00 AM
:(.......Hope ya fell beter Evan......:)

08-22-2004, 01:04 AM
:(.......Hope ya fell beter Evan......:)thx thx, but there has to be some kind of potion or something! :p:

08-22-2004, 01:07 AM
I'm so sorry.
I can't stand stomack aches, i've never had a stomach flue.
It drives you insane and it hurts, i hope you feel better.
You can go into google and type in stomach flue and see where that gets u.

08-22-2004, 01:14 AM
Man you are always sick. Drink some Sobe Carrot orange juice daily.

08-22-2004, 01:14 AM
I'm so sorry.
I can't stand stomack aches, i've never had a stomach flue.
It drives you insane and it hurts, i hope you feel better.
You can go into google and type in stomach flue and see where that gets u.thanks.. I will try it. I woke up and I knew my stomache didn't just have an ache! OMG, it sucks! I can't drink because I throw up so I am soooooo dehydrated.. I wish I could sleep, but when I close my eyes I get dizzy.. How can I get it 3 times in one year and some people have never had it? oh man.. Last time was worse, my viens on my eyes all popped.. After a few days they disappeared thank god..

JOY JOY. No food since yesterday! ahahah Bann my stomache flu thx!

08-22-2004, 01:16 AM
Man you are always sick. Drink some Sobe Carrot orange juice daily.I have a really weak immune system.

lol, you still remember last year? We both had the same thing. When I get sick, it's always like 2x worse than for my family or friends..

08-22-2004, 01:29 AM
The stomach-flu suxors !!! Hope you get 2 feeling better soon man!!!........Sorry cant help yas much.......i always took the pink o bismal when i got it:thumbs:

08-22-2004, 01:32 AM
The stomach-flu suxors !!! Hope you get 2 feeling better soon man!!!........Sorry cant help yas much.......i always took the pink o bismal when i got it:thumbs:sigh* I took that too this morning and it was gross. I started to be able to function, went to work for an hour and then came home and took another dose! 10 minutes later.......... :eek: :vomitsmilie:

08-22-2004, 01:44 AM
Weak immune system?
That doesn't sound good at all.
Gotta keep that white blood cell count high.

08-22-2004, 02:23 AM
Man you are always sick. Drink some Sobe Carrot orange juice daily.

Sobes are the best!!!!! :thumbs:

08-22-2004, 02:54 AM
I hope u fell better soon dude. Have you tryed Pepto-Bismol? worked for my stomach problems. :rolleyes: :thumbs:

OUTLAWS Dixie Chick
08-22-2004, 06:41 AM
Have you ever received a flu vaccination? Maybe you should think about getting it yearly. Also, just sip tiny amounts of fluid (clear liquid) like gingerale all day long, and also, don't try to drink lots at once. Try to get plenty of rest. It's nothing to play around with. If you continue on not being able to keep anything down, you should go see your physician. They can give you prescription medication like phenegran to help keep you from getting severely dehydrated. I hope you get to feeling better soon! You are in my thoughts.

08-22-2004, 08:34 AM
Damn I hope you feel better :(

BTW.....cool name :wub:

He Is Legend
08-22-2004, 11:24 AM
Take a ****

That might help