View Full Version : More Onslaught Games

08-23-2004, 08:36 PM
Yet even more fun this time. Played several maps with different players, excellent teamwork.
It seem to work better when you are from 2 on 2 to 8 on 8.

In screenshot 1, I am just finished with building a Power Node. Just as I am about to leave in my Manta, this guy in screenshot 2 comes up with his Jeep and starts to destroy my precious work. I turn around and destroy his already broken transport, and save my Node. In screenshot 3 I return to join the team for a massive assault against the enemy´s Power Nodes, even though our own Power Core only has 4 % health left... With much success, we finally win the match.

On screenshot 4, I joined a game where we at start were three against one with almost all Nodes taken. It seemed unfair, so I changed to Red and we managed to grab every Node in the map, except the last one, which Blue defended very well. My teammate decided that a direct attach would be best, so he grabbed a fast Manta and I a slooooow Leviathan, which is basically a fort on wheels. My temmate got beaten up several times, but when I arrived, the tides turned. I simply mowed down their defenses and we headed for Blue´s Power Core, and destroyed it.

Die Hard
08-23-2004, 11:15 PM
Looks fantastic. I must get that game [thumbs]

Happy GrandPa
08-24-2004, 04:10 PM
Uuuu i dont trying to do something bad, but if i was buying this game its looked like fantastic too:P

08-24-2004, 04:42 PM
It´s requirements are Hiiiigh...