View Full Version : Hero "Spoiler"

He Is Legend
08-31-2004, 01:39 AM

The whole movie was Subtitled, Only close to 7 Action scenes, The Hero "Jet li" dies at the end..he tries to kill the king and like doesnt even touch him, he walks out...834275298347598 people shot arrows at him and he just takes em

The whole movie is about killing the king and 4 warrios..Jet li, Snow,Sky,And broken sword

Jet li comes to talk to the king and tells his side of the story, then the king tells his, then it just tells it like it is

It sucked so bad, I had high hopes for this movie, i hated it..Waste of 6 Dollers.

Friend said "Open Water" Sucked too

My $0.02

He Is Legend
08-31-2004, 01:43 AM
I advise you not to see it :/

Free Styler
09-01-2004, 02:10 AM
Damit i wanted to go see it this friday.Why did i read this noooooooooooo.

thanks for the info. beileive or not i thought that the arrow scenefrom the trailer where you see jet li receving a gizilien of em...well i though he would chop them all up or somethin,with a sord or something.I would of been totally dissapointed .lol

09-01-2004, 03:16 AM
Damit i wanted to go see it this friday.Why did i read this noooooooooooo.

thanks for the info. beileive or not i thought that the arrow scenefrom the trailer where you see jet li receving a gizilien of em...well i though he would chop them all up or somethin,with a sord or something.I would of been totally dissapointed .lol
he does chope the arrows in a diffent scene. just the one in the commercial is the one where he lets the emperor kill him (jet li knows its the right thing to do if china should be in peace.)

09-01-2004, 05:05 PM
It's Tarantino - I will see it. It's Tarantino - 'nuff said. Subtitled movies are kewl - they seem more authentic - I loved Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.